News Flash! Increase seen in Afghanistan from outside insurgents and Iraqi style murder and violence tactics. * like you I just don't understand why concerns and stories are consistently way behind the rest of us. When it comes to recognizing problems very often we ignore potential pitfalls. Bush as we all know consistently does this as he once again proved by attacking Iraq the way he did knowing the many potential problems he as usual chose to ignore. They all came true and then some with many of them still in progress. One small concequence of attacking Iraq unneccesarily was the premature opening up of a second front. This merely allowed room for the insurgency to grow in Afghanistan. We all knew this. Why on earth do our so called leaders once again profess surprise. They also had a training ground for new tactics to export to Afghanistan compliments of Bush. The rest of the world will start seeing them soon. We the average citizen saw the increase in insurgency and tactics coming years ago. However, we also know that common sense and what we think does not matter to Bush even though it is often right and he does need some good advice and the smarts to listen to it. Oddly enough this request for increased U.S. help is occurring shortly after Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai declared there should be a decrease in U.S. prescense in towns outside of Kabul. This should be coupled with a decrease in the use of U.S. aircraft. Now we have a corresponding increase in Iraqi style murders of Officials and aid workers. With an increase in violence particularly since May culminating with the recent murders of political leaders, violent protests, and the recent killings and threats to humanitarian workers Karzai is now calling for more support from the U.S. We are only seeing the beginning of the fruits of President Bush's inept leadership. First we will have the breakdown of Iraq into revolution. Second we are seeing right now with the increase in insurgency and violence in afghanistan. Third we will see total chaos in the entire Middle East. All thanks to Bush and his ignorance of the facts which is standard for him as we all experience daily. Last but not least we will see his outsourcing of Karl Rove's divisive Politics eventualy embroil the entire world. It will eventually threaten our own security right here that he so perversely claims to be protecting, with border insecurity yeah right!
James Joiner
Dover, NH
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Career Opportunities: Independent Commissioners needed
Wanted unbiased honest individuals capable of telling the truth, Analyzing an obviously concocted story with an unbiased independent outlook. Is there anyone out there? Liars I mean lawyers need not apply. As we all see illustrated daily and only too well. We can not believe anything we are told or take anything at face value. People are very often swayed by their own selfish interests. Sadly enough this is as we know best illustrated by our own Government. We cannot trust or rely in any of the systems critical to the operation of a viable Government. It seems that today we neeed an independent council for everything. Sadly enough we know that especially but not limted to the Republicans that we rely on for the future, has their own selfish interests in mind and not societies or the countries. Since the Republicans called for an independent council to investigate president Clinton and whitewater which they subsequently abused and included Sexgate they have proved over and over again that they themselves are the worst offender of misuse and abuse of their office and public trust. Under Bush in order to run his administration in any semblence of honesty we need an independent council to eversee every corrrupt thing they say or do period as we can't trust a damn thing. First there were the many lies in order to falsely justify the Iraq war. The 9/11 Commission was a bad joke. The U.N. investigation while not a U.S. agency is being investigated by us and it seems the truth will never be known and will die with many of the perpertrators. Louisiana's Governor Blanco is calling for an independent commision to investigate the Katrina catastrophe
in which officials State and Federal were guilty of ineptitude including her. We need an independent oversight of one sort or the other for everything this administration does. House majority leader Tom Delay finally faces Grand Jury indictment for violating State election codes. Bill frist is being investigated for shady stock deals which of course he denies. If it was good for Martha to be held accuntable and it was then it is good for someone who claims to be
lily white. We have found that we cannot trust the legal system or the so called independent commissions either. what are we to do this lack of morality is costing us hundreds of millions just to try and investigate and we are still not learning the truth?
in which officials State and Federal were guilty of ineptitude including her. We need an independent oversight of one sort or the other for everything this administration does. House majority leader Tom Delay finally faces Grand Jury indictment for violating State election codes. Bill frist is being investigated for shady stock deals which of course he denies. If it was good for Martha to be held accuntable and it was then it is good for someone who claims to be
lily white. We have found that we cannot trust the legal system or the so called independent commissions either. what are we to do this lack of morality is costing us hundreds of millions just to try and investigate and we are still not learning the truth?
Monday, September 26, 2005
Anti War Activities from the eyes of a Conservative Democrat/Independent
I just don't understand with Cindy Sheehan rolling around the country gathering anti war support in what amounts to blatant anti American rhetoric that the Phil Donahues of the country cannot see how detrimental they are to the cause of all America not just Bush. Let's face it, she supports Iraqi insurgents as freedom fighters. she overtly criticizes Israel for supporting Palestine. Somehow the Phil donahue's of the country can speak out in favor of that and the denegration of her son and their own country? War support is not a minority any longer as they like to say. It has turned into a war for America's survival and many of us common sensed people see this. This was only highlighted and heightened by the recent Katrina Rita shortcomings of Bush and our Homeland Insecurities response to emergencies both natural and terroristic. The anti war movement has highlighted not that we must cut and run in Iraq or anywhere else for that matter. They have highlighted in part thanks to Katrina and Rita, that we must stick together and persevere now more than ever. They are not openly talking negative about America but are aiding and abetting the anti American forces. All Americans and America are forever including our children, victems of the anti war advocates. Media, A.C.L.U., or the so called celebrities, left or right wing it doesn't matter, they are all hurting America. It was wrong to make Iraq an essential part of the war on terrorism. However, now that it is just as in natural disasters we must also see the unnatural ones to ultimate victory.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Power Of Politics Politics Of Power What's the Diff?
Headline: Algiers residents of New Orleans poor section, I know just another coincidence, drowned out once again by the breeching of the Industrial Canal Levee in the 9th ward. What a surprise! Another coincidence is that these levees were lower and less maintained than in more affluent areas. Southwestern La. was hit hard again as we knew they would be days in advance as Rita increasingly tracked Eastward. As a result this area was purposely or inadvertantly vulnerable from the start. with that in mind if doing the right thing was the motivating factor it only makes sense that these levees should have recieved priority and been built higher and more fortified than before. The tourist assets and central parts of the city were better protected and recieved relativey minimal damage.
Surprising to me is that New orleans has a levee Board. You would think their job was to secure the levees right? On the contrary they established an Airport and a Marina. They also played a key role in establishing a floating casino, a top of the line fibre optic system and the levee Board just spent 2.4 million on a Mardi Gras fountain and left the levees particularly the 9th street levee uncared for. This is all nice for business and the elite but isn't the levee Board by definition supposed to maintain the levees in order to protect the masses not the wealthy elite and their interests as they did?
Think about this! The poor of New Orleans suffered the brunt of katrina. Now the 9th street canal is breached again with Rita and the poor section takes a hit once more. The devestation to these people in the first place occurred because of criminal neglect by authorities and local officials on every level. Now that the poor are largely out and many choosing to stay there. The wealthy elite largely politicians and business interests will rebuild for thier interests. They will be able to now rebuild New Orleans to to meet their desires. new Orleans might now become a Republican city. Especially with the French Quarter, the convention center, and the Garden District, all largely high and dry and mostly intact. The poor sections have now been cleaned out and the public housing projests are now gone compliments of Mother Nature not design right? Enough of the poor will only be back for whatever reason, too service the needs of Industries, and wealthy elite politicians and Business interests. What do you think?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Surprising to me is that New orleans has a levee Board. You would think their job was to secure the levees right? On the contrary they established an Airport and a Marina. They also played a key role in establishing a floating casino, a top of the line fibre optic system and the levee Board just spent 2.4 million on a Mardi Gras fountain and left the levees particularly the 9th street levee uncared for. This is all nice for business and the elite but isn't the levee Board by definition supposed to maintain the levees in order to protect the masses not the wealthy elite and their interests as they did?
Think about this! The poor of New Orleans suffered the brunt of katrina. Now the 9th street canal is breached again with Rita and the poor section takes a hit once more. The devestation to these people in the first place occurred because of criminal neglect by authorities and local officials on every level. Now that the poor are largely out and many choosing to stay there. The wealthy elite largely politicians and business interests will rebuild for thier interests. They will be able to now rebuild New Orleans to to meet their desires. new Orleans might now become a Republican city. Especially with the French Quarter, the convention center, and the Garden District, all largely high and dry and mostly intact. The poor sections have now been cleaned out and the public housing projests are now gone compliments of Mother Nature not design right? Enough of the poor will only be back for whatever reason, too service the needs of Industries, and wealthy elite politicians and Business interests. What do you think?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Future Nuclear Weapons Partners? You decide!
Listen to a citizens concerns on the subject of Nuclear weapons proliferation with china and Russia advocating and Iran accquiring and you decide. In the past we have heard rumors of concern.However it seems like it is in the news every day now on Iran's insistance on achieving nuclear power supposedly for peaceful purposes ie: electricity. They insist on their right to enrich Uranium. Now to rub it in even more they have expressed a desire to spread nuclear technology to other Muslim Nations. We all know this is a fear of every Western Nation. Nuclear energy and uranium enrichment spell nuclear weapons designs to the west when volatile Muslim nations are involved. The E.U. backed by the U.S. is voicing interest in going to the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency to report before the security council looking for possible financial sanctions against Iran. In light of Iran's past performance, its current president, its anti western stance, it's stated anti Israeli intentions, and now its stated desire to spread nuclear knowledge to other Muslim Nations, we have every right in the world to be concerned as to their real intentions. Iran's response to the E.U.'s possible proposal To bring the matter before the I.A.E.A. has as expected only prompted further Iranian saber rattling. They warn of confrontation over the E.U.'s automic proposals. They announced arrogantly that they would view any attempts to bring this before the council as a confrontation. Why should we care? What on earth do they call their myriad of irresponsible and provocative nuclear announcments? My concern is that Russia and China are amongst a dozen other Nations that opposed the proposal and we are made to believe it is because of their Iranian oil interests. Iran of course arrogantly and ignorantly declared a victory after the E.U. backed off for now. Iran once again is a third world and anti western hero having backed the west down once again.
My concerns are one, how could you possibly trust in iran's declared intentions. Two, the only reason appears that you would be behind Iran's covert nuclear weapons intentions. Three, last but not least you, particulary Russia and China wanted another powerful nuclear partner and obvious threat to the West. Already we have Russia joining China in so called peaceful joint military exercises. Iran joining in this alliance would would be a substantial threat to western interests This entire mix was exacerbated by Bush's destabilization of the Middle East. What do you think about all this?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
My concerns are one, how could you possibly trust in iran's declared intentions. Two, the only reason appears that you would be behind Iran's covert nuclear weapons intentions. Three, last but not least you, particulary Russia and China wanted another powerful nuclear partner and obvious threat to the West. Already we have Russia joining China in so called peaceful joint military exercises. Iran joining in this alliance would would be a substantial threat to western interests This entire mix was exacerbated by Bush's destabilization of the Middle East. What do you think about all this?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, September 23, 2005
Question of the Day: Iraqi chaos or success?
I wrote quite a while back that what we knew as pssible outcomes to our intervention in Iraq would come to fruition and then some. It doesn't matter if we start a partial whithdrawal today or 50 years from now. The results thanks to Bush will be the same, total chaos. Whatever happens in the region and a lot will since Bush has incited diviseness and chaos wherever he could. It was set into motion the day he decided to ignore all good avice and common sense and once agaain do what he wanted not what was right. His outsourcing of divisive Politics to the Middle East will be the demise of any semblance of Middle Eastern order. Now we are hearing that Saudi Prince Saud is warning that Iraq is hurtling towards disintigration. He is concerned it could embroil the entire region in war. That was a given from the get go. You have to wonder if his concerns are only because he considers himself the protector of Sunni Islam. The sunni's as we all know regardless of what we are led to believe are very threatened right now despite what we might think is going to be a Democracy. Myself I happen to agree with him. Of course his assesment of the situation runs exactly counter to what we are led to believe. Secretary Of State Condi Rice oints out the elections as a success. It is not a sign of success but a false impression of success. The elections mean nothing but the beginning of mass dissention in Iraq. The Prince I believe is right. The problems in Iraq and the region are still just beginning. As the Prince is concerned, Iraq will attempt to break up into Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish States. Turkey, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, not to speak of Russia and China amongst others will be involved militarily if they aren't already clandestinely. We knew this as a distinct possibility before we went into Iraq. Like in every other instance Bush chose to ignore common sense and do what he wanted instead. God only knows what the results will be now.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Question Of the Day:Politics As Usual Or Just Doing The Right Thing?
As we all know and can agree, the President's initial response to Katrina was dismal at best. Net results one natural disaster = one more Bush created catastrophe. Personally I just chalked it up to a continuation of his contagious corruptive ineptitude. However along comes Rita and we are now hearing rumors of Disaster politics. I for one had to reevaluate my thinking and what we were told about katrina's response. My conclusion is that Bush is once again playing Politics even when faced with a homeland natural disaster. This is really unbelievable and unconscienable. We were told after Katrina's disastrous response that troops and supplies could not be set up in advance. The excuse we all heard was that we couldn't put them in harms way. This didn't make any sense but we took that. Now we are hearing that troops and supplies have already been prepositioned in preparation for Rita hitting Texas. This is unquestionably the right response. I like all of you have to wonder if the authorities realize that this is obvious and exactly the opposite of what they said and did in Louisiana? We know from past experience that Bush has no problem saying and doing the wrong thing displaying it and without blinking an eye never miss a beat. Is this proper reaction to Rita because this is his State now? He doesn't have a problem with the obvious redundancies here. This is standard for him but it really bothers most of us. You like to think that after Katrina we have simply learned the hard way. So we are simply acting accordingly. In light of Bush's past performance you know doing something because it is the right thing to do is not one of his concerns. As we all know, he does nothing except for Political gain and he does a lousy job trying to deny and hide it. What are his motivations?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The Fed's allow illegal immigration and they demand the benefit In Return
We know that in response to the katrina aftermath the President found a 1931 law that he could use to justify dropping the minimum wage law in the gulf states. justified or not, who will benefit from this, you be the judge. what I want to talk about right now is the digging up of another law that was once used to supposedly help the public against the Mafia. We are talking about the RICO Act(Racketeering & Corrupt Organizations act). Once again we have a law being dusted off that was enacted to help the public to be used by the Government for their own benefit and corruptive ineptitude. They just don't stop. If they can't enact a quick new law then they will find and resurrect an old law to fill their selfish desires. As most of you in part know, the government purposely allows Border insecurity. They want, encourage, and need illegal immigration in order to inflate their so called employment rebound, their illusion of financial recovery, and the facade of an improved economy. They have proven time and again that they do not do the right thing for the country but are great at creating the illusion that they are. This administration is purposely allowing illegal immigrants imto the country. However if you the employer are gaining from hiring them(under the table), and they don't get their fair share of the illicit profits they instantly cry foul. Thinking about it isn't that why prohibition was repealed? Anyway back in comes the RICO Act. It is right now being used in Idaho of all places. The Fed's are crying foul because the illegal immigrants they allowed into the country are being paid under the table by farmers. This is just all wrong and detrimental to the country as a whole from beginning to end. Again the Fed's want it both ways. this is underhanded, unconscionable, wrong to begin with, and downright despicable. They allow them in but only for their gain and no one elses. This is just not right and just another example of flagrant and open abuse of our system of laws. This system is now run and mastered by scofflaws.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Todays observation/the planet has had enough of man's Negative Influence
I was thinking of all the natural disasters that seem to be occurring more frequently and are frequently more horrific. There have throughout the history of the world always been tremeandous natural disasters as we all know. However, they are increasing at a more frequent rate. they are also increasingly more damaging to man as he populates and influences the planet negatively. We as American's have had more than our share of late. We are still reeling from Katrina and are preparing as we speak for hurricane Rita. I explained in a manuscript on Man's and the planet's Life Cycles that we are through our maturing stage where World Wars were survivable by man and the Planet. We are now in the Nurturing stage of both man's and the planet's life Cycles. Our weapons have become too horrific for man or the planet to survive. We still fail to act acccordingly. The planet like man have hit the point of overload. The planet as we are witnessing is now reacting to our negative influence on her natural ability to heal herself. Global warming, Glacial melting, the greenhouse effect, and rising oceans aside. The planet and man no longer need war to ensure destruction. The Planet is now capable more than ever of doing that herself. As we all know and are winessing, man has not learned to set aside his warring ways. We will continue to speed up the natural cycle of man and the planet until we have achieved our demise. As i've always said, if something's survival is dependant on mans management then it will die. Man has proven time and time again to not be capable of managing himself let alone anything else.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, September 19, 2005
Todays' Fact: A Media dictated Political Agenda
Today we are hearing of President Clinton speaking out against Bush's mishandling of both Iraq and Bush's natual disaster self created catastrophe called Katrina. In the scope of thing's that are supposed to matter and should be governing our actions we will again hear nothing. Right or wrong should be our only dictum. He is correct in pointing out what in fact are unbiased observations concerning these crises to many of us who only care that the right unbiasd thing be done for the country. However, his remarks will once again be discounted and invalidated by by the media because of political games and selfish Bias. Bush did unnecessarily create the Iraq crisis. He purposely made it an essential part of the war on terrorism. we had already brought out the insurgents in Afghanistan. Iraq was unnnecessary as it was conducted. He also created his necessary for Republican dominance self created catastrophe from a natural disaster. We realize that local Government has been dismal from the get go but that does not excuse Bush's ineptitude. Because of the media automatically playing their own childish games. They are instantly gleefully turning this into a Republican Democrat issue for their own selfish gain. Right or wrong will will again continue to be ignored and not be the issue as it should be. The right thing for the country will again be ignored because of Political games fed and fostered by the Media.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Thought For The Day-President Bush's proposals
Can anyone think that what Bush proposes after his slow Katrina response is good for our future? We know that Bush's and the Fed's initial response to Katrina was woefully inadequate. This is his standard response and why he turns a crisis into a catastrophe. Like always after the fact he now seems to have again siezed the moment. Once again he plans on Republicanizing everything he possibly can. On top of all he has done to change the country we know and love he now proposes the following. Bush has declared that he wants a larger Federal role in future crises and catastrophes. If he wasn't at the helm I would agree but. Of course this includes the use of the military which is key to our success as we all know. In light of Bush's proven past performance you have to be very concerned about what he says in contrast to what he actually does. His implimentation of a 1931 law that gives him the right to drop the minimum wage law in storm ravaged areas is yet another scary thought. Once again he is helping the rich and hurting the poor while telling you once again that you will be better off for it. This coupled with all the laws he has passed to help the rich and tighten the noose on the genaral population should make you even more wary of what he says. You have to be very concerned with this say one thing and do another President. Only he has mastered the ability of talking out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it smiling all the while. You have to be concerned when he says he wants to help the people. As he has proven over and over again, to him the people are the elite and the fundamentalist Christian right Republicans not the general population as he has you think. The proof as they say is in the pudding. He has succeeded in taking your focus off his created war and his created mess in Iraq by creating yet another catastrophe. This time his catastrophe was created from a natural disaster. He now has the two things going on that Republicans are best at. He created them but he now has his war and crisis. You see how he has helped you in the past. What he has done and what he proposes bodes ill for we the people as usual.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Have we gotten ourselves purposely or otherwise over our heads?
As we know Iran is purposely seeking confrontation with the U.S. and Isreael to add to our already burgeoning plate. They are now expressing their desire to spread nucleaar knowledge to other Muslim Nations. This is in direct contrast to what we and the E.U. have been calling for. They know nuclear proliferation amongst Muslim Nations many of them hostile is one of our multitudes of concerns. I am personnally very concerned by Iran's latest proposal. you know that ultimately nuclear use for peaceful purposes is not the Muslim intention. This as we all know is also a flagrent and direct kick in the face to the Israeli and Western Nations. The disconcerting aspect of this is that if many muslim Nations can and will develop nuclear weapons capabilities you can be guarrenteed they will use them. Most of us know this as fact. You know they merely want supremecy at whatever cost. We can not even control those that posess this technology already. The scary thing is what to do about it? If nuclear confrontation happens and it will if the many of the hostile muslim Nations have any say in the matter. There will be nothing to rule over. We are already over burdened with world problems. We are dealing with Katrina at home. We are concerned with china, north Korea, and Russia. Thanks to Bush we are more concerned with Iran Iraq, and the middle East in general with his creation of that area as a part of the war on terror. Afghanistan is a necessary concern also. We have uncontrolled nuclear waste and nuclear proliferation. The enlarging war against Global terrorism. Not to speak or our own Governmental corruptive in eptitude. Are we prepared to deal with all that is before us?
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Friday, September 16, 2005
Who does deserve the Katrina tax breaks ?
Being totally unbiased you have to ask yourself this question and a lot more. We know Bush Proposes to give a tax break as incentive. He says he want large corperations to have an incentive to come in and rebuild Katrina revaged areas. Isn't the prospect of making hundreds of millions enough incentive? Isn't Bush's lowering of the minimum wage minimum enabling companies to pay lower wages and make even larger profits, incentive? Halliburton alone has proven in the past that their only incentive is to take advantage of a bad situation and Government contracts. I know I am not an expert except in living in the trenches of american society. However where is the incentive for the poor to go back into storm ravaged areas? W e have heard since evacuations started that many are better off in their adoptive states. Many have new and better opportunities elsewhere. Why does Bush not propose giving them a tax incentive? Not just a low income home loan etc. that they will get in their adopted location anyway. I know he is a friend of big business as we all do. We hear of his spending more Federal Dollars on the poor than any President before him. This is probably necessarily true. Under Him the rich are getting filthy rich and the poor are increasing exponentialy. The Government is big on studies. Why not do a study comparing the Bush benefits to the rich in contrast to those given to the poor. That would certainly prove interesting.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The real question of the Day ?
Fox News question of the day is whether or not you would accept an increase in your Taxes in order to pay to rebuild the disaster area. You will pay for it as you know one way or the other. I think most of us would say yes but? The real question should be, Do you think Republicans should pay for Katrina and their childish financial ignorance with their careers? They have been financially childish and irresponsible at the lower classes expense ever since they got into control as we all know. They have financially been acting like children in a candy shop. As if the country has a bottomless account for their pleasure. They have cost us unnecessarily and irresponsibly hundreds of Billions in worthless expenditures while accomplishing nothing to solve the countries many and increasing woes. Instead they ignorrantly continue to add them while at the same time adding to the plight of the lower classes. Before I close I again want to say that I personally hate Politics. I take no sides and only expect to see the right thing done. Not the right thing for the Right, the Left, or for selfish interests. I want to see the right thing done for the country. In the end should republicans pay with their careers?
James m Joiner
Gardner, Ma.
James m Joiner
Gardner, Ma.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
A Flounder is a Flounder even as a Democrat
The conservatives as we know are labeled as Bigots. We know he isn't but we are hearing bush Bush is anti Black. We know he needs border insecurity for his new society. We know he is regularly hurting the lower legal classes. we know he routinely passes laws to favor the Elite and worsen the plight of the legal Lower classes. all of this of course Bush downplays and republicans true to form deny, deny, deny. We know Bush is routinely two faced. Yet we the affected continue to ineffectively Flounder. We just don't know how to deal with the say anything to get your way do nothing Republicans. They have such a strong hate for Bush and rightly so as he has earned it. Yet they continue to Flounder. They are so disoriented and blinded with rage that they can not deal with the problem known as Bush. Both sides only want to argue their own selfish points be they Democrats or Republicans. Doing the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing is not aven a consideration. My point is that you hear the Right's version of what makes sense and you hear the so called lefts idea of what only makes sense. Common sense is never thought of or applied period. By Thomas Jeffersons own definition of common sense it is derived from being a common citizen. Having common sense you will use common sense for society not yourself. i'm an Independent who believes in doing the right thing . It is not a Republican trait especially today. Since I want to be percieved as being on the true right side of things. Todays society would incorrectly want to label me as a Republican. I am a Democrat at heart. You would label me a Democrat as I expect the right thing done for all people, we the people, we get none of that from the Left or the Right. Yet with all the blatant Republican inequities we Independents and democrats continue to Flounder. We must all not just come together but come out to vote next election. We must fight the republican fundamentaliist Christian right juggernaut. as a coeisive and not openly better and antagonistic unit. we must come together against the destructive Rove's tutored Republicans. If we fail we are doomed to spend another four years under another inept Republican Administration. we must do just as the republicans have done since President Clinton. Democrats, Independents, and right minded Republicans must come together and get this negative influence out of our Government.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Being inadequate is a Bush trait he will once again get away with
I'm a little disturbed as many of you are that once again Bush is inept in his intitial response to another crises he himself has in part created. Last time it was Iraq this time it is Katrina. Once again his propoganda machine will make him look good despite the facts. You will again fail to remember that once more he has failed you again. It doesn't matter whose fault the ensuing crises was. It doesn't matter that local Officials again failed miserabley. They have let their citizens of all crede's down. It doesn't matter that many want to capitalize off of the Black white issue and rediculously again, play the race card. That in fact had nothing at all to do with it as most of us regular citizens realize. The fiasco whatever your standing as a citizen was due to massive leadership failure. It once again went from top to bottom. Local leaders and lower level Government leaders do not have the efficient P.R. machine that Bush has. They will then in turn pay for their own and their leaders ineptitude. As we all know he never does anything wrong. Everyone else does and as part of working for Bush they will once again take the fall for him as in every other crises.This guy once again will come out smelling like a Rose. Once again people with long term unblemished Political careers will all of a sudden appear to be inept. He is very slow in showing leadership. However like any good Republican he thrives during war or crisis. He has both situations now. He must be pretty pleased with himself. Even though he largely enhanced both situations through ineptitude he will again get away with it.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, September 11, 2005
A Little more time for the Apolitical Political Bush Base closings
With the proposed base closings due to be a reality in mid November i thought it was time to just remind us all how crooked these closings were and still are. In light of what is happening right now with the Rove's investigation and implication of Cheney you know the President was involved and as in this situation nothing period gets done without his knowledge or okay and he knows the truth none of us ever will. Right from the get go we discussed the proposed Military base closings. In one of our discussions we talked about the fact that telling the public they had nothing at all to do with Politics was totally false and erroneous. Bush as we all know , does nothing at all unless it is part of his political game. So once again this master of deception was saying what we wanted to hear and playing his Political game. The facts right off the bat told us again the opposite of what he was saying. We all know this is standard fare for him. The States that came out in favor of him in the 2nd election did well with the proposed Base closings. The bases that came out against him took the biggest hits during the proposed closings. It didn't matter if the bases were exemplary or vital to our military mission. California took a big hit because rep0ublican Governor Arnold could not deliver the State for the President. Massachusetts took a hit for the same reason. Otis in Massachusetts is where the fighters that responded on 9/11 came from. It is one of the best reserve bases in the Nation. He wanted to put all our B1's in one place in his brother's State. That makes good sense. The Bible Belt States did well under the proposed closings. He said as far as he is concerned he thinks the proposals should be final. Political, naw! One and one still equals two as far as I know. There are many inequities in these proposals. Many we will never know unless some disgruntled individual comes forth with the truth. Regardless of what Mr say one thing and do another says. He keeps tight reign over what happens in his administration. That is precisely why it is so screwed up. Even though he would have us believe he has ne control over most of what happens in Washington and the Pentagon in particular, you know nothing can be further from the truth. As we all know he is a master political game player. It is his behind the back club to be used against anyone he percieves as having done him wrong. He does a lousy job of disguising this fact. In addition to all his inequities in his administration and in these proposals we can now add this one. Now we are hearing that the money supposedly saved from these closings was false. It was purposely contrived in order to inflate the supposed savings. Why should we be surprised to find the 9 member panel doing the investigation has found the savings inflated by 30 billion? How much did it cost us this time to find out we were lied to again? I know, just another little oversight. This is standard fare for this administration as we all know. As in all the other instances he will get away with this one too. Someone else's fault not mine, just another victem of circumstances. The poor picked on guy. He suffers from the Rodney Dangerfield Syndrome. He gets no respect. You have to wonder how deep the rot will go in this case too when the truth is eventually to some degree known and what if any the real savings after all was said and done really were.
James joiner
Dover, NH
James joiner
Dover, NH
Please God help our Leaders learn how to lead before it is too late
First I want to say it's 9/11 and God Bless America. With the level of so called Leadership we are seeing displayed we need all the help we can get. Like everyone else, I have been listening to Louisiana Governor Blanco's lame performance. Her response to the natural disaster Bush created catastrophe is dismal at best. Now seeing Louisiana's showcased lack of leadership I have come to realize that we as parents hopefully Learn how to lead our children. Becoming a parent and leading your children don't come with instructions as we all know. Somehow we seem to suck it up and do the right thing for their future. our officials seem to have lost this ability almost to a person
It seems like we have got to start giving our Officials and so called leaders starting right from the top, a list telling them telling them how they are expected to act in any given crises or situation. We have a serious Leadership vacuum in this country. These officials only want the Title and they can not handle the responsibility. we are finding out that under pressure our officials most often have a tendency to crack. along with the Title comes a responsisility to we the people. I believe that with the bickering Politicians kicking and fighting all the waywe the people are finally making ourselves heard. we will once again figure into the equation. First we have become a Nation Of the politicians, For the Elite, by the media. All of this facilitated by our corrupt legal system. I believe we are on our way to again becoming a Nation of the people, for the people, by the people.Our leaders are generally inadequate . We must get involved ourselves and see that they once again learn how to be responsible adults like the rest of us. I wrote another diary last night. Now I have to put it on my web site because this pervasive, corruptive, ineptitude is horrible and more important. This starts from the top down. It is our fault as citizens. We have been naive enough to elect people based on what they say not what they do. They fail us and then we reelect them based on continued falsehoods.Like bush they most often talk a good game but play a lousy one. They talk the talk. we are realizing that is worthless. We need leaders that walk the walk. We the people must regain control of our country and our leaders before it is too late. James m Joiner Gardner, Ma
It seems like we have got to start giving our Officials and so called leaders starting right from the top, a list telling them telling them how they are expected to act in any given crises or situation. We have a serious Leadership vacuum in this country. These officials only want the Title and they can not handle the responsibility. we are finding out that under pressure our officials most often have a tendency to crack. along with the Title comes a responsisility to we the people. I believe that with the bickering Politicians kicking and fighting all the waywe the people are finally making ourselves heard. we will once again figure into the equation. First we have become a Nation Of the politicians, For the Elite, by the media. All of this facilitated by our corrupt legal system. I believe we are on our way to again becoming a Nation of the people, for the people, by the people.Our leaders are generally inadequate . We must get involved ourselves and see that they once again learn how to be responsible adults like the rest of us. I wrote another diary last night. Now I have to put it on my web site because this pervasive, corruptive, ineptitude is horrible and more important. This starts from the top down. It is our fault as citizens. We have been naive enough to elect people based on what they say not what they do. They fail us and then we reelect them based on continued falsehoods.Like bush they most often talk a good game but play a lousy one. They talk the talk. we are realizing that is worthless. We need leaders that walk the walk. We the people must regain control of our country and our leaders before it is too late. James m Joiner Gardner, Ma
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Thank God For the Military
T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's fact), we can at least count on our military. Government on all levels starting at the top have failed us once again. In come the cavalry. Once again the military steps up to save the day. We now have an Honore"able" answer to the natural disaster Bush catastrophe in New Orleans. The head of F.E.M.A. is the one taking the hit for Bush this time. Unbelievably he is going to Washington D.C. to head up preparations for hurricane Ophelia. How can we fail to understand that this ineptitude comes from the top. Every situation we face under Bush turns into a catastrophe and someone else is blamed for being inept. This ineptitude will not stop until Bush is replaced.
He is the problem. His corruptive ineptitude will once again be rescued by our over used military. This time VAT's(Vice Admiral Thad) Allen comes to the rescue. FEMA and local officials made a mess of things. The military many of them busy in Iraq have to come home and save the day once more. Now this will be handled right. VAT Allen in control over all and Honore"able" in control on the ground. T.G.I.F. the military comes to the rescue again. They are the ones who put country first ahead of themselves. I used to think that was what being in the Government was all about. This is no longer true. The military will do the right thing for the country. That is what they devoted themselves to. That is what they are paid for. Today the Government is in large part in it for themselves and their own selfish interests. So as is usual today, when the chips are down, the military can be counted on to do it right not the Government.
He is the problem. His corruptive ineptitude will once again be rescued by our over used military. This time VAT's(Vice Admiral Thad) Allen comes to the rescue. FEMA and local officials made a mess of things. The military many of them busy in Iraq have to come home and save the day once more. Now this will be handled right. VAT Allen in control over all and Honore"able" in control on the ground. T.G.I.F. the military comes to the rescue again. They are the ones who put country first ahead of themselves. I used to think that was what being in the Government was all about. This is no longer true. The military will do the right thing for the country. That is what they devoted themselves to. That is what they are paid for. Today the Government is in large part in it for themselves and their own selfish interests. So as is usual today, when the chips are down, the military can be counted on to do it right not the Government.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Bush is the most expensive catastrophe in U.S. History not Katrina
We keep hearing that Katrina is the most expensive catastrophe in U.S. history. I don't have to tell you, the working class but the Bush catastrophe dwarfs the Katrina catastrophe. Katrina's cost in dollars so far is 63.5 Billion.With the bush adminisrations abuse, misuse, hiding of axpenses, consistent helping of the rich at your expense, unnecessary and midirected spending, and his regular corruptive ineptitude, he dwarfs the psychological and dollar expense of Katrina. He is using this catastrophe as another sorry excuse to enrich his cronies. This while he is giving them back their taxes and having the lower classes once again foot the bill. The elite, Bush administration included, is our biggest problem and expense.
Katrina despite what everyone says about its devestating our economy will when all is said and done be great for our economy and the countries future. We have learned a hard lesson but we are learning. We are all learning to pitch in now. We all want to work and do our share. We all want to ensure the future of our Nation in what has become a very hostile world. There will always be hangers on, those that want everything for nothing while doing nothing. Hmm! that is a good description of this administration. That mentallity at least among the lower classes is decreasing. As we survive catastrophes like Katrina and Bush we are only getting stronger. we as the lower classes have always, and will once again, carry and win the day. James m Joiner Gardner, Ma
Katrina despite what everyone says about its devestating our economy will when all is said and done be great for our economy and the countries future. We have learned a hard lesson but we are learning. We are all learning to pitch in now. We all want to work and do our share. We all want to ensure the future of our Nation in what has become a very hostile world. There will always be hangers on, those that want everything for nothing while doing nothing. Hmm! that is a good description of this administration. That mentallity at least among the lower classes is decreasing. As we survive catastrophes like Katrina and Bush we are only getting stronger. we as the lower classes have always, and will once again, carry and win the day. James m Joiner Gardner, Ma
Thursday, September 08, 2005
America's challenge isn't katrina it is surviving Bush
The bush admimistration is once again attempting to get out from underneath the eight ball. They let Iraq get away from them due to lack of prior knowledge and are still trying to get ahead of that and they will not succeed. 9/11 happened because of inaction, failure to realize what they were up against, still don't, and are again trying to get ahead of things but never will. they never realixe the enormity of any situation, usually self created and they never will. Because of their ineptitude they always have and always wii have to play catch up. That is their style or lack there of.
James m Joiner
Gardner, Ma.
James m Joiner
Gardner, Ma.
They are once again caught with thier pants down/Not a pretty sight
I Love it. These hard right wingers are coming out in favor of the right thing. they are calling for the accountability for this administrations failures in response to the natural disaster turned Bush catastrophe this time known as Katrina. I disagree though with the following facts. The spin will never be over and it will never stop. He will never abandon his teacher of 3D (Divisive, decietful, deceptive), Politics or his Political P. R. machine. Once again, this is not a partisan issue but Bush Pundits will succeed in portraying it as such.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Bush Disapproval rate should always have been 100%
I can't believe anyone in their right mind could have had any confidence in Georgie the life long partier in the first place. He has screwed up or created every single crisis we are dealing with today. He has yet to and never will do anything right. In his eyes and those of his supporters no matter what debacle he creates and mismanages he can still do no wrong. The life long cheerleader is not a leader and all citizens should have seen this from the start. He believes he can do and act what and when he wants. With the right P.R. and his B.S. he seems to be able to get away with every single judgemental error he continues to make. Remember, deny, deny, deny, and you will get promoted. He deserves all the negative feed back and more. He is supposed to be in charge. The buck never does but it used to stop at the oval office.
James M Joiner Gardner, Ma.
James M Joiner Gardner, Ma.
Media often causes their own problems and ours
This ignorance of following what should be common sense and doing the right thing. In this case filming the dead victems of Katrina Is why we have to refrain the media. As I just read we are finding it necessary to shut them out of certain areas because they are getting increasingly reckless. They are a danger to themselves as well as to our psych in their effort to get a story no noe else has, damage be damned. Their irresponsibility necessitates them to be controlled by others and that is too bad but has become necessary. We must learn to when necessary, put the right thing ahead of our own selfish interest and the all mighty buck and on our own without someone having to look over our shoulders and force us. In every instance we fail to realize our limits and continue to cause our own problems.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma.
integrations Necessity is now brutally obvious
As we all know, anyone can look good when things are good. Adversity however brings out all the good and bad and showcases it. We have seen much good coming from the military and average citizens. We have also seen for me the first time so starkly, the great differences in the rich and the poor. It is not because they are poor that they are purposely treated as ilk but because of this position. They can get themselves above this. They have to want to raise themselves above this level of course. We now know the importance of everyone sticking together. We will help everyone better their plights that want to but they have to want to first. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. We can and shoud integrate all of society and raise them all to the highest possible level. Katrina has shown us we can stick together. We can help ourseles. We can persevere over adversity and we will, together with all of us pulling together not those that needlessly must be pulled thus slowing us all.
James M Joiner
Gardner, ma
James M Joiner
Gardner, ma
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
we must learn the Planets fragility and the negative effect we are having on it and act accordingly

I started thinking about the effect on Lake Ponchartrain on pumping all the toxic waste, raw sewage, gas, oil, household cleaners, toxic sludge. submerged buildings and and vehicles. Can you imagine the quantities?
Unbelievably to me, i heard a supposed expert term this as negligable. Remember that much of that pollution and toxicity will be back thru evaporation. I know at 630 sqare miles it is the 2nd largest salt water lake in the country.
People still swim in it and breath the air. The issue to me though, after listening to Cavuto the other night. We just don't get the planets fragility and its fragile state of sustainability. We better wake up and realize that what goes up will come down.
What goes around comes around and you reap what you sow etc. We continue to pay little attention to any of this.We have already passed thru Man's Maturing stage in his and the planets life cycles. We are now in the Nurturing stage where man is supposed to be already matured as is the planet.This is man and the planets preservation period.
The time is here and now. This period marks mans awakening as to the realization of mans negative impact on the life sustain systems necessary for mans survival into the future. This period marks the awakening of man as to the necessity of revitalizing natures life sustaining ecosystems. not the continued destruction of them.
This period marks the necessity for an end to world wars. We also no that will not happen. We don't seem to be that smart. Man is so advanced in his life cycle that because of this, natural occurring events have become more horrific as we should know for a fact. we must realize all this.
This is an absolute necessity for the future of man and the planet. We must form a world body to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit of mankind and the planet. we can be sure this will not happen either.
We now know the fragility of our planet and our direct role in it. As a world we still fail to do anything about it.As a world we must act responsibly. we must be held accountable, and act accordingly.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
lies and Ineptitude by Bush is stressing the military and it is breaking
Bush has needessly and purposely caused our military to be over extended at a time when we are going to need them most. He refuses to be held accountable for any of his numerous mistakes. It is the military that is bearing the burden of his stupidity and ineptitude. You can be guaranteed that it will get a lot worse especially under the continued misdirection of Bush. The military is the crutch for his personally created catastrrophe's. He bears all responsibilities not the people that take the hit for him. It is unbelievable that he coninues to misdirect. misuse, and over use them, and just because he keeps raising their pay to make up for his needless abuse of the military still expects to have a viable sain force when he is finished.
Gardner, Ma
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Common sense-can john Robert's even posess or apply it?
I just happened to see Neil Cavuto's show Title, Common Sense. It made me think that we do not even know what that is today. We can't be sure that Supreme Court Justice nominee even has ot let alont the ability to apply it unbiased as we are led to believe he can. Common sense belongs to the common man. It is the sense derived and learned from being the common, average, man in the trenches of society. As the born rich and the elite you cannot posess common sense unless you can feel the common citizen's soul and experiences and let them influence your life and govern your actions. The elite have a sense learned from their position in life.
This is not the sense learned from being a common citizen. You can see what the average, common, citizen is experiencing but not feel it and there by know how to address their needs. Today we are led almost exclusively by people who fall into this category. Being ruled almost exclusively today by this category of people who wrongly think they know what the common citizen is experiencing and needs, is a large part of our problem today. Coupled with our leader's allegiance to special interest and their own selfish interest's we have the problems we are experiencing today. During Thomas Jefferson's day it was widely believed that anyone, farmer, or butcher, once upon entering a society would then automatically gain common sense and do the right thing for society and not themselves. this as we all know, is no longer true. But, as displayed by Katrina's heroic recovery efforts I myself believe we are relearning many lost principles valuable to a strong viable society. The fear in Thomas Jefferson's day was that someday we would cease to be governed by common sense and use reasoning to make decisions instead. thus we have the creation of laws. What our fore fathers feared is exactly what we do today. That too is a large part of our problems today. We must get back to Thomas Jefferson's intentions for the interpretation of the Constitution. We must stop redefining it's meaning in order to satisfy our own personal selfish
This is not the sense learned from being a common citizen. You can see what the average, common, citizen is experiencing but not feel it and there by know how to address their needs. Today we are led almost exclusively by people who fall into this category. Being ruled almost exclusively today by this category of people who wrongly think they know what the common citizen is experiencing and needs, is a large part of our problem today. Coupled with our leader's allegiance to special interest and their own selfish interest's we have the problems we are experiencing today. During Thomas Jefferson's day it was widely believed that anyone, farmer, or butcher, once upon entering a society would then automatically gain common sense and do the right thing for society and not themselves. this as we all know, is no longer true. But, as displayed by Katrina's heroic recovery efforts I myself believe we are relearning many lost principles valuable to a strong viable society. The fear in Thomas Jefferson's day was that someday we would cease to be governed by common sense and use reasoning to make decisions instead. thus we have the creation of laws. What our fore fathers feared is exactly what we do today. That too is a large part of our problems today. We must get back to Thomas Jefferson's intentions for the interpretation of the Constitution. We must stop redefining it's meaning in order to satisfy our own personal selfish
Monday, September 05, 2005
God Bless America we are once again The United States Of America
I know this is an intense emotion shared by millions if not all Americans today. It has been a rough ride for us as a country since that horrific day on 9/11. Particularly because we knew that we were not whole as a country as we were in the past. Prior to that we had as citizens a hollow feel in being American.We had lost something. We did not have that sense of patriotism we had all heard about from the World War 2 generation. We did not have that necessary camaraderie. We forgot what it was like to want to be a Nation, a Nation of one. We were led to believe we did not have what it took to come together as a Nation to fight as a whole, as one relentless body, and persevere over adversity.
I dare say that I believe we are getting it.We are relearning if you will. We saw some poor leadership and lack of control from all levels of the Government at the beginning of the catastrophe created by Katrina. I dare say that we are learning how to come together once again and put the good of the Nation first. All this adversity is bringing us together again as a nation and as we hoped 9/11 would took us a little more than that to get it but we are gettting it. We are again realizing that we must all stick together. The way we had become with our attitude of every man for himself had weakened us as a Nation. We are once again realizing the importance of the whole country as our community. Together we are strong. Together we can defeat any adversity. Iam myself very prroud to be and call myself an American not just from America as it had become to be thought of. But as an American from The once again United States Of America. We will stick together. We will fight on to ultimate victory now, I am confident of that now.We are going to be okay. Pleas let me know what you all
I dare say that I believe we are getting it.We are relearning if you will. We saw some poor leadership and lack of control from all levels of the Government at the beginning of the catastrophe created by Katrina. I dare say that we are learning how to come together once again and put the good of the Nation first. All this adversity is bringing us together again as a nation and as we hoped 9/11 would took us a little more than that to get it but we are gettting it. We are again realizing that we must all stick together. The way we had become with our attitude of every man for himself had weakened us as a Nation. We are once again realizing the importance of the whole country as our community. Together we are strong. Together we can defeat any adversity. Iam myself very prroud to be and call myself an American not just from America as it had become to be thought of. But as an American from The once again United States Of America. We will stick together. We will fight on to ultimate victory now, I am confident of that now.We are going to be okay. Pleas let me know what you all
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Too Many Rapid Bush Fires To dwell On Any
Every single day it seems like there is something new to fear about this President. Justice Renquist dying is now the new worry for most of us average Americans. You know the President will nominate the wrong person for us average Americans. This is just the latest worry in a string of worries that this President creates purposely and so fast that we forget about the last one let alone all the numerous other problems and catastrophes he has created for the lower classes. he has caused so many problems for average Americans that if you were to sit and think about them all you would be overwhelmed. You would have to wonder how this guy is still even functioning as President.
Let us just remember a few of them and put this guys ill performance in perspective. He doubled the percentage you have to pay on your credit cards for you. He took away the ability for the poor to file for bankruptcy while protecting the rights of corperations and the rich to do so. He is endeavoring to create further social insecurity.he has failed on every count to secure our borders and done so on purpose. He needs border Insecurity for his supply of illegal immigrants. He is helping you, the lower classes by giving back the taxes of the rich while you support his illegal immigrants with your tax contributions. He is letting corperations off the hook by letting them renege on paying the health benefits of you the working class. He continues the illusion of concern for the lower classes every day as he steadily erodes your life style. He purposely opened up a second front in the war on terror. He continues to give you the illusion that we are bringing out the terrorists to fight them in Iraq and not at home. He doesn't want you to remember that we already brought them out by attacking Afghanistan as well we should have. He has created an intolerable level of dishonesty and lack of accountability in his administration. I just can't think of one thing this guy has done right period. He certainly has not been the friend of the working class that he continues to say he is. I'm sure as you all can attest and add to this list that i am forgetting the vast majority of his corruptive ineptitude. He continues to say one thing while doing the other as he likes to accuse others of doing. He Politicizes everything while saying it is wrong for others to do this. His well learned Karl Rove's version of 3D Politics,(divisive, deceptive, destructive) are continuing to tear apart the country. He is now outsourcing this around the world. This is all part of the doctine of Nihilism that he is following. Has this guy helped the country in any respect? I think not what say you?
Let us just remember a few of them and put this guys ill performance in perspective. He doubled the percentage you have to pay on your credit cards for you. He took away the ability for the poor to file for bankruptcy while protecting the rights of corperations and the rich to do so. He is endeavoring to create further social insecurity.he has failed on every count to secure our borders and done so on purpose. He needs border Insecurity for his supply of illegal immigrants. He is helping you, the lower classes by giving back the taxes of the rich while you support his illegal immigrants with your tax contributions. He is letting corperations off the hook by letting them renege on paying the health benefits of you the working class. He continues the illusion of concern for the lower classes every day as he steadily erodes your life style. He purposely opened up a second front in the war on terror. He continues to give you the illusion that we are bringing out the terrorists to fight them in Iraq and not at home. He doesn't want you to remember that we already brought them out by attacking Afghanistan as well we should have. He has created an intolerable level of dishonesty and lack of accountability in his administration. I just can't think of one thing this guy has done right period. He certainly has not been the friend of the working class that he continues to say he is. I'm sure as you all can attest and add to this list that i am forgetting the vast majority of his corruptive ineptitude. He continues to say one thing while doing the other as he likes to accuse others of doing. He Politicizes everything while saying it is wrong for others to do this. His well learned Karl Rove's version of 3D Politics,(divisive, deceptive, destructive) are continuing to tear apart the country. He is now outsourcing this around the world. This is all part of the doctine of Nihilism that he is following. Has this guy helped the country in any respect? I think not what say you?
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Rudi Where Are You - America Needs A Leader
We are hearing that the President's entire agenda is at stake. They say it all depends on his reaction on the Bush designed catastrophe still unfolding as we speak. I refuse to believe that he can even think his wrong headed agenda even exists. He wrongly believed he had Political Capital to begin with. He spent that and our money a long time ago. The relief that is finally getting to the hhurricane affected areas is not just the end of the beginning as they are calling it. It is factually the beginning of the end. Bush says the Governments response is unacceptable. this guy is just unbelievable. His being ludicrous knows no bounds. Isn't he supposed to be in charge?
Isn't he supposed to be the boss? He is once again the out of control controller and again to the countries demise. Why doesn't the buck stop at the top any more? With him it stops everywhere but where it should, with him. He never comes thru and never takes accountability for anything period. He cunningly passes it off on whoever he can. Hi is supposed to be the boss. He is supposed to be in control and once again he is not. Our response is a National disggrace. It is another reflection of him. It is his National disgrace. Bushwacked again, once again he does the wrong thing and then denies all accountability. This guy is so frustrating and debillitating. We just can't take much more of him and survive as a Nation.Unbelievably as it sounds Trent clot I mean Lott is defending him. He says it takes time to respond to a disaster of this magnitude. Maybe a day but not 5 or 6. This igorance as indefensible to a common sensed unbiased person. This is all just plain wrong. we are also hearing the race card being drawn again. Race had nothing tto do with it. Look at the big picture. Many of the officials who are supposed to be in control are black. The only reason for all of this is that President Bush is the President. He is a cheer leader and has been all his life. We do not need a cheerleader we need a leader. Where is Rudi G.?
Isn't he supposed to be the boss? He is once again the out of control controller and again to the countries demise. Why doesn't the buck stop at the top any more? With him it stops everywhere but where it should, with him. He never comes thru and never takes accountability for anything period. He cunningly passes it off on whoever he can. Hi is supposed to be the boss. He is supposed to be in control and once again he is not. Our response is a National disggrace. It is another reflection of him. It is his National disgrace. Bushwacked again, once again he does the wrong thing and then denies all accountability. This guy is so frustrating and debillitating. We just can't take much more of him and survive as a Nation.Unbelievably as it sounds Trent clot I mean Lott is defending him. He says it takes time to respond to a disaster of this magnitude. Maybe a day but not 5 or 6. This igorance as indefensible to a common sensed unbiased person. This is all just plain wrong. we are also hearing the race card being drawn again. Race had nothing tto do with it. Look at the big picture. Many of the officials who are supposed to be in control are black. The only reason for all of this is that President Bush is the President. He is a cheer leader and has been all his life. We do not need a cheerleader we need a leader. Where is Rudi G.?
Friday, September 02, 2005
America's Demise Bush Tipped The Scales
President Bush has merely succeeded in pushing America's demise over the edge. He has betrayed the trust of those that voted him in, in the first place. Since 1970 I have seen and have called for what is happening in the country even as we speak. Like all of you I am crying for America as I watch the horror unfold before our eyes on the gulf Coast. Sadly enough for all of us, many of us have known that this process has been under way for years. This is only the beginning.
President Bush's corruptive ineptitude has succeeded in quickening the pace of America's demise. He thinks he is doing a good job? What is his job any way? Is our destruction as the country we all know and love, his goal? I have been writing for years now that this is his goal. I still cannot get anyone to read it or see what is really happening to us. sadly enough for us and the world, this is only one of his many goals in his efforts to implement his plan for a new society and new world order. Nihilism is his Doctrine and those that elected him have enabled him to follow what is known as the doctrine of destruction. We must wake up if it isn't already too late and act accordingly.James M JoinerGardner, President Bush has merely succeeded in pushing America's demise over the edge. He has betrayed the trust of those that voted him in, in the first place. Since 1970 I have seen and have called for what is happening in the country even as we speak. Like all of you I am crying for America as I watch the horror unfold before our eyes on the gulf Coast. Sadly enough for all of us, many of us have known that this process has been under way for years. This is only the beginning.
President Bush's corruptive ineptitude has succeeded in quickening the pace of America's demise. He thinks he is doing a good job? What is his job any way? Is our destruction as the country we all know and love, his goal? I have been writing for years now that this is his goal. I still cannot get anyone to read it or see what is really happening to us. sadly enough for us and the world, this is only one of his many goals in his efforts to implement his plan for a new society and new world order. Nihilism is his Doctrine and those that elected him have enabled him to follow what is known as the doctrine of destruction. We must wake up if it isn't already too late and act accordingly.James M JoinerGardner,
President Bush's corruptive ineptitude has succeeded in quickening the pace of America's demise. He thinks he is doing a good job? What is his job any way? Is our destruction as the country we all know and love, his goal? I have been writing for years now that this is his goal. I still cannot get anyone to read it or see what is really happening to us. sadly enough for us and the world, this is only one of his many goals in his efforts to implement his plan for a new society and new world order. Nihilism is his Doctrine and those that elected him have enabled him to follow what is known as the doctrine of destruction. We must wake up if it isn't already too late and act accordingly.James M JoinerGardner, President Bush has merely succeeded in pushing America's demise over the edge. He has betrayed the trust of those that voted him in, in the first place. Since 1970 I have seen and have called for what is happening in the country even as we speak. Like all of you I am crying for America as I watch the horror unfold before our eyes on the gulf Coast. Sadly enough for all of us, many of us have known that this process has been under way for years. This is only the beginning.
President Bush's corruptive ineptitude has succeeded in quickening the pace of America's demise. He thinks he is doing a good job? What is his job any way? Is our destruction as the country we all know and love, his goal? I have been writing for years now that this is his goal. I still cannot get anyone to read it or see what is really happening to us. sadly enough for us and the world, this is only one of his many goals in his efforts to implement his plan for a new society and new world order. Nihilism is his Doctrine and those that elected him have enabled him to follow what is known as the doctrine of destruction. We must wake up if it isn't already too late and act accordingly.James M JoinerGardner,
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Katrina Natural Disaster Man Made Catastrophe
Think of all this first then decide for yourselves who or what is to blame for what is unfolding as a result of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. It seems to be quite popular for some to put the blame on the President for causing the Iraq War and necessitating the deployment of much needed National Guard troops. This is true but only his contribution to the resultant catastrophe.
The biggest part of this developing catastrophe can be credited to our Capitalist system that we all love and need.It is though getting out of hand. We have many who put the all mighty dollar ahead of thinking of others and doing the right thing. It is my contention that the biggest share of the credit for this developing catastrophe belongs to The Media.
We are so used to them hyping up every event they get their grubby little hands on that many in Katrina's path chose to remain put. Now they are paying the price and so is the rest of the country. Yes the Media is doing its share to help in this situation but I contend that them flooding the air ways with news until it is beat to death is the reason why many of these people ignored the warnings to get out and are now in this situation.
Yes the media has to make a living too but not beating a dead horse. If their isn't enough new news then they should be doing something else. Their excuse is that they have to make a living too. Not at the expense of the welfare of the public as we are seeing the results of unfold as I write this.Put a beautiful old movie on in order to fill up the time. Do the right thing once again for the people not your own selfish interest. It has become the norm to ignore doing the right thing for society and put you own selfish interest first. This in the long run is self defeating and will be our demise if we do not straighten up and fly right.
We continue to be our own worse enemy. We must again recognize this and act accordingly because we are well onto the path of self destruction. Please everyone tell me what you think about this. Your opinions are wanted and needed. They will be part of my next Book on the Demise of America.
Think of all this first then decide for yourselves who or what is to blame for what is unfolding as a result of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. It seems to be quite popular for some to put the blame on the President for causing the Iraq War and necessitating the deployment of much needed National Guard troops. This is true but only his contribution to the resultant catastrophe.
The biggest part of this developing catastrophe can be credited to our Capitalist system that we all love and need.It is though getting out of hand. We have many who put the all mighty dollar ahead of thinking of others and doing the right thing. It is my contention that the biggest share of the credit for this developing catastrophe belongs to
the Media.
We are so used to them hyping up every event they get their grubby little hands on that many in Katrina's path chose to remain put. Now they are paying the price and so is the rest of the country. Yes the Media is doing its share to help in this situation but I contend that them flooding the air ways with news until it is beat to death is the reason why many of these people ignored the warnings to get out and are now in this situation. Yes the media has to make a living too but not beating a dead horse.
If their isn't enough new news then they should be doing something else. Their excuse is that they have to make a living too. Not at the expense of the welfare of the public as we are seeing the results of unfold as I write this.Put a beautiful old movie on in order to fill up the time.
Do the right thing once again for the people not your own selfish interest. It has become the norm to ignore doing the right thing for society and put you own selfish interest first. This in the long run is self defeating and will be our demise if we do not straighten up and fly right. We continue to be our own worse enemy.
We must again recognize this and act accordingly because we are well onto the path of self destruction. Please everyone tell me what you think about this. Your opinions are wanted and needed. They will be part of my next Book on the Demise of America.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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