Saturday, September 30, 2017
Our US Corporatocracy and the gulf oil catastrophe proved John Kenneth Galbraith as a true visionary!
We do not need any more proof than the still developing Gulf oil disaster to realize John Kenneth Galbraith was dead on when he said corporations were too powerful and had to be reigned in. Instead they are still getting bigger and more powerful. We are now a Corporatocracy controlled by the corporations. Our Supreme court gave them the right to spend as much money as they want to get what they want.
We are seeing right now the dangers to the planet and society of giving too much control to oil companies. Remember when Bush and Cheney met secretly in the White House with the so called energy Czars? They decided what was right for them and their and Cheney and Bush's wallets while disregarding us and the planet. Cheney said they did not have to use the 1/2 million dollar acoustic valve that would have prevented this disaster.
The rest of the world by law has to use them but here they do not because this country belongs to the corporations not we the people. The companies that were working on the platform being questioned by Congress merely lied and put the blame on everyone else. Another worthless inquisition as those being questioned are in charge not that charade of a Congress. We have got to take our country back somehow!
In the 1950s, John Kenneth Galbraith cautioned that corporations were becoming too powerful. In the 1960s he warned President Kennedy about the dangers of unilateral military action abroad. Son of a gun!
He continually criticized conservative administrations' fiscal policies. He tried to bring environmental issues into the limelight. Son of a gun!
"He was a half of a century ahead of his time," said his biographer, Richard Parker.
His influence remained relevant long after his 1958 work "The Affluent Society" argued that the American economy produced individual wealth but did not adequately address public needs such as schools. Son of a gun!
The Canadian-born economist and unabashed liberal served as adviser to Democratic Presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Bill Clinton and was John F. Kennedy's ambassador to India.
Galbraith, who was outspoken in his support of government intervention in social and economic problems, became a larger figure on the American political scene after World War II. How the hell can you justify ignoring a source of wealth like this?
Although an economist, his impact reached far beyond economic circles. He thought across disciplines, Benjamin Freeman, a Harvard economics professor and friend of Galbraith's said, "Not just in the field (of economics), but broadening the discourse to encompass the world at large."
With having advised the likes of Presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Clinton I think he had a proven record of success.
His 1958 work "The Affluent Society" argued that the American economy produced individual wealth but did not adequately address public needs such as schools. Son of a gun!
* He hit the nail on the head and here it was nearly 50 years later and we had to have bush prove it out on us. John Kenneth was 50 Years ahead of his time! We could only wish Bush knew this and cared about the public's needs! son of a gun! Now under President Obama and 60 years later corporations are getting bigger and more powerful. Besides the financial collapse and now the still developing oil disaster in the Gulf we see the results of not listening to John Kenneth Galbraith.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, September 29, 2017
Federal Reserve, banks, and money warnings combined by quotes by past leaders will prove we have been set up for a fall
I will limit this to only the statements about our Banking system then follow it by the statements as to why and who for the Federal reserve system was really set up by and for and if it did not make sense before it will now.
The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. - J Edgar Hoover
The real rulers of Washington are Invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes. - Justice Felix Frankfurter - US Supreme Court Justice
* "The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties." New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922
The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know that a financial element in the large centers has OWNED the Government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." (History points to the last truly honorable and incorruptible American President as "Old Hickory") - FDR to Col. E. Mandell House 11/21/1933
"Give me control of a Nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." - Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild)
"The Trilateralist Commission is international ...(and) intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing CONTROL of the political government of the United States. The Trilateralist Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize Control and consolidate the four centers of power: Political - Monetary - Intellectual - and Ecclesiastical." - Barry Goldwater , U.S. Senator AZ. "With No Apologies"
"We shall have World Government. Whether or not we like it. The only Question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." - James Paul Warburg , Foreign agent for the Rothschild dynasty - Major Player in the Federal Reserve act scam / Feb. 17, 1950 speaking before the U.S. Senate.
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings, and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop OUR PLAN for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual ELITE and World Bankers is surely preferable to the national auto - determination practiced in past centuries." - David Rockefeller CFR Kingpin, Founder of the Trilateral Commission, NOW Godfather / June 1991
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our Banking and Monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a Revolution before tomorrow morning." - Henry Ford
"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans" - Bill Clinton 1993
"We are on the verge of a Global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller
"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." - David Rockefeller, Memoirs , 2002
"We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson [U.S. President during World War I]
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets
"The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans. " British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, 1876. If you want to see them here they are wholly disconcerting but here
Now that will allow you to put this Federal Reserve setup into its undeniable perspective. However to save space I will merely add the link Here
Now what do you think?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, September 28, 2017
We will survive however with growing climatic destruction and a growing permanent hungry nomadic world population remember the Movie Soylent Green?

We will survive however with growing climatic destruction and a growing permanent hungry nomadic world population remember Soylent Green?
As I look at this mornings sobering news and how it will in fact directly Impact ours and the worlds future I remember past stories as to what we in fact are facing and sadly I am 100% a realist who looks at the big picture. this morning I am haunted by a picture of the two chief warmongers of the world Cheney and Bush as Cheney with his snide, hateful, kill, cur is demanding immunity for companies that have been spying against us so our future can continue to be controlled! Congress is Complicit and again will give in. Our leaders will wimp out again
Please read that because I want to focus on the future! I saw this story about the situation between Israel, Gaza, and Egypt, and it reinforced my portend for the future!
As I look at this mornings sobering news and how it will in fact directly Impact ours and the worlds future I remember past stories as to what we in fact are facing and sadly I am 100% a realist who looks at the big picture. this morning I am haunted by a picture of the two chief warmongers of the world Cheney and Bush as Cheney with his snide, hateful, kill, cur is demanding immunity for companies that have been spying against us so our future can continue to be controlled! Congress is Complicit and again will give in. Our leaders will wimp out again
Please read that because I want to focus on the future! I saw this story about the situation between Israel, Gaza, and Egypt, and it reinforced my portend for the future!
Palestinians, running out of fuel, food and other supplies after Israel closed Gaza border crossings, poured into Egypt through blown-out and torn-down breaches in the border wall. Egyptian guards stood by without intervening, and Egypt's Foreign Ministry spokesman announced that the nation would remain open to the needy "as long as this is a humanitarian crisis." "We are not opening the Rafah crossing just for everybody to cross -- we're opening it because it's a very dire humanitarian situation," said spokesman Hassam Zaki. Growing chaos as 50,000 break through the border
Alert! This reminded me of two recurrent themes as we head into the future. First we see what is happening in Africa and around the world as the climate changes becoming more caustic to human life and increasing wars creating a growing hungry, nomadic, world population that we are not going to be able to sustain as we would like.
We discussed four months ago that We are creating a permanent nomadic immigration population of the entire middle east if not the world with a couple countries as islands! I ask you to please check this out as I got this compliment from our friend Chuck for looking at and alerting as to the big Picture: That's something I hadn't even considered Jim. I mean I read about people fleeing for their lives and have seen some of the pictures, but I hadn't thought of the creation of a nomadic lifestyle (culture?) by war. Thanks for expanding things again for all of us as you look at "the big picture". More people should. What we are creating in the middle east and around the world
With that said I want to remind you of our discussion three months ago that our climate will be our biggest threat as we attempt to survive into the future! There was a report released raising the threat of dramatic population migrations, wars over water and resources, and a realignment of power among nations. During the last two decades, climate scientists have underestimated how quickly the Earth is changing — perhaps to avoid being branded as "alarmists," the study said. But policy planners should count on climate-induced instability in critical parts of the world within 30 years.
The report was compiled by a panel of security and climate specialists, sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Center for a New American Security. The Associated Press received an advance copy. Climate change is likely to breed new conflicts, but it already is magnifying existing problems, from the desertification of Darfur and competition for water in the Middle East to the disruptive monsoons in Asia, which increase the pressure for land, the report said.
At the very least, the report said, the U.S. can expect more population migrations, both internally and from across its borders; a proliferation of diseases; greater conflict in weak states, especially in Africa where climates will change most drastically; and a restructuring in global power in line with the accessibility of natural resources. Left unchecked, "the collapse and chaos associated with extreme climate change futures would destabilize virtually every aspect of modern life," said the report, comparing the potential outcome with the Cold War doomsday scenarios of a nuclear holocaust. There is quite a backlash scenario. Please read it
Anyway, as we watch the threat in America and never see the situation remedied but rather allowed to worsen as Bush follows his nightmare scenario, Everything else aside here I am reminded of Katrina and how those poor people were hung out to dry and still Bush is refusing to fund much needed projects as we and the world are purposely allowed to fall into disrepair and another dire scenario we are facing as we try to move successfully into the future we also discussed four months ago.
Noting the world is racing to another world war and knowing our weapons are too powerful for man or the planet to survive it and the fact that the environment is turning on us and much of the world is running out of fresh water I first wondered why Areas such as Georgia and many of the areas around the ocean and world do not turn to desalinization as this problem did not crop up over night.
Noting the world is racing to another world war and knowing our weapons are too powerful for man or the planet to survive it and the fact that the environment is turning on us and much of the world is running out of fresh water I first wondered why Areas such as Georgia and many of the areas around the ocean and world do not turn to desalinization as this problem did not crop up over night.
I then decided to Google water wars as I know there are many problems developing daily around the world as countries harness water sources running through their land and was horrified at what I was finding. There were 136,000 stories encompassing water wars around the world. Let alone within ones own boundaries. What the hell is wrong with the world? We are already at war! We are already in the fight of our lives, why are we racing to end them? The Washington Post had a good article.
Global warming will intensify drought, and it will intensify floods: As the air gets warmer, there will be more water in the atmosphere. That’s settled science. Where the atmosphere is configured to have high pressure and droughts, global warming will mean long, dry periods. Where the atmosphere is configured to be wet, you will get more rain, more gully washers.”
Global warming will intensify drought, and it will intensify floods: As the air gets warmer, there will be more water in the atmosphere. That’s settled science. Where the atmosphere is configured to have high pressure and droughts, global warming will mean long, dry periods. Where the atmosphere is configured to be wet, you will get more rain, more gully washers.”
The droughts will be especially bad. How bad? Richard Seager, a senior researcher at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, looked at 19 computer models of the future under current global warming trends. He found remarkable consistency: Sometime before 2050, the models predicted, the Southwest will be gripped in a dry spell akin to the Great Dust Bowl drought that lasted through most of the 1930s.
Droughts and water shortages already been driving conflict around the globe: The potential for conflict is more than theoretical. Turkey, Syria and Iraq bristle over the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt trade threats over the Nile. The United Nations has said water scarcity is behind the bloody wars in Sudan’s Darfur region. In Somalia, drought has spawned warlords and armies. Already, the World Health Organization says, 1 billion people lack access to potable water. In northern China, retreating glaciers and shrinking wetlands that feed the Yangtze River prompted researchers to warn that water supplies for hundreds of millions of people may be at risk. Water wars will worsen
Water has emerged as a key issue that could determine if Asia is headed toward cooperation or competition. No country would influence that direction more than China, which controls the Tibetan plateau, the source of most major rivers of Asia. Tibet's vast glaciers and high altitude have endowed it with the world's greatest river systems. Its rivers are a lifeline to the world's two most-populous states - China and India - as well as to Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. These countries make up 47 percent of the global population.
Yet Asia is a water-deficient continent. Although home to more than half of the human population, Asia has less fresh water - 3,920 cubic meters per person - than any continent other than the Antarctica and China is taking it. The looming struggle over water resources in Asia has been underscored by the spread of irrigated farming, water-intensive industries and a growing middle class that wants high water-consuming comforts like washing machines and dishwashers. Household water consumption in Asia is rising rapidly, although several major economies there are acutely water-stressed.
The specter of water wars in Asia is also being highlighted by climate change and environmental degradation in the form of shrinking forests and swamps that foster a cycle of chronic flooding and droughts. The Himalayan snow melt that feeds Asia's great rivers could be accelerated by global warming. Man am I naive! Yesterday I couldn't understand China's wanting to control Tibet, the Himalaya's, and the Dali Lama, today I know. Asia's water wars
The specter of water wars in Asia is also being highlighted by climate change and environmental degradation in the form of shrinking forests and swamps that foster a cycle of chronic flooding and droughts. The Himalayan snow melt that feeds Asia's great rivers could be accelerated by global warming. Man am I naive! Yesterday I couldn't understand China's wanting to control Tibet, the Himalaya's, and the Dali Lama, today I know. Asia's water wars
This is a crisis that will only worsen every day around the world . Tens of millions of Americans have or are migrating to the southern and western states where there are many areas of chronic water shortages (duh). Now Governor Bill Richardson has fired the first shot, suggesting a national water policy, which is shorthand for stealing water from the Great Lakes. Rust belters are outraged, some suggesting we sell Richardson water at $80.00 a barrel. Vegas, probably the fastest growing area in the country, is sucking as much from the Colorado as it can, and will still have major shortages, perhaps within months. The Great Lakes are in a low cycle and any diversion would probably be an ecological disaster. I was looking at the links that follow and the Great lakes are being fought over as we speak and America is already experiencing water wars as well as much of the world. Please look at the overwhelming amount of stories on The worlds water wars
** The world is already at war with our shrinking changing environment a war we are bound to lose. I cannot comprehend the world racing to another world war that will only serve to seal all of their demise even sooner. What is wrong with us? looking at all the unfolding terrible scenarios unfolding before us as we attempt to move into the future I am reminded of the moves depicting our horrific future we all grew up with. As I watch the world breakdown, the climate becoming increasingly hostile, and our world population exploding with us already unable to feed them, a movie that was once thought unfathomable now begins to look closer to reality. You remember the 1973 sci-fi movie Solyent Green Solyent Green was made out of people
I do not see quite a horrible scenario but I have to wonder what we will be driven to in our desire to survive?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Growing water wars around the world
More than five years ago now we talked about the race to war and looking at
Atlanta, Georgia and around the world I had to ask what the hell is wrong with
the world? We were and are already in the fight of our lives! Water wars and the
environment! What has changed? The environment is getting worse as is the global
war situation. Wake up! What the hell is wrong with us?
dwelled on the terrible prospect of running out of water and the prospect of
water wars after thinking of Atlanta facing the prospect of running dry with no
rain in sight and 9 million people. This is one city! This was happening around
Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North and South Carolina, as well as throughout the
middle east, and the Great Lakes, while floods and horrific storms covered Texas
and much of the rest of the country.
I was thinking about that while replying to comments I received after I got off line. Many were concerned as to what the future will bring to us and the world. Noting the world is racing to another world war and knowing our weapons are too powerful for man or the planet to survive it and the fact that the environment is turning on us and much of the world is running out of water, fresh water I first wondered why Areas such as Georgia and many of the areas around the ocean and world do not turn to desalinization as this problem did not crop up over night.
What has changed? In five years the environment has gotten worse, the mississippi is even running out of water, and we appear to be heading towards a world war because of China in Asia and Syria in the middle east. I decided to Google water wars as I know there are many problems developing daily around the world as countries harness water sources running through their land and was horrified at what I was finding. There were 136,000 stories encompassing water wars around the world. Let alone within ones own boundaries.
What the hell is wrong with the world? We are already at war! We are already in the fight of our lives, why are we racing to end them? The Washington Post had a good article. " remember, this is more than four years ago and as you know, it is getting worse. Global warming will intensify drought, and it will intensify floods: As the air gets warmer, there will be more water in the atmosphere.
I was thinking about that while replying to comments I received after I got off line. Many were concerned as to what the future will bring to us and the world. Noting the world is racing to another world war and knowing our weapons are too powerful for man or the planet to survive it and the fact that the environment is turning on us and much of the world is running out of water, fresh water I first wondered why Areas such as Georgia and many of the areas around the ocean and world do not turn to desalinization as this problem did not crop up over night.
What has changed? In five years the environment has gotten worse, the mississippi is even running out of water, and we appear to be heading towards a world war because of China in Asia and Syria in the middle east. I decided to Google water wars as I know there are many problems developing daily around the world as countries harness water sources running through their land and was horrified at what I was finding. There were 136,000 stories encompassing water wars around the world. Let alone within ones own boundaries.
What the hell is wrong with the world? We are already at war! We are already in the fight of our lives, why are we racing to end them? The Washington Post had a good article. " remember, this is more than four years ago and as you know, it is getting worse. Global warming will intensify drought, and it will intensify floods: As the air gets warmer, there will be more water in the atmosphere.
settled science. Where the atmosphere is configured to have high pressure and
droughts, global warming will mean long, dry periods. Where the atmosphere is
configured to be wet, you will get more rain, more gully washers.”
It is happening why is this denied? We can only hope Obama can get by
Republicans and start doing something about this.
The droughts will be especially bad. How bad? Richard Seager, a senior researcher at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, looked at 19 computer models of the future under current global warming trends. He found remarkable consistency: Sometime before 2050, the models predicted, the Southwest will be gripped in a dry spell akin to the Great Dust Bowl drought that lasted through most of the 1930s. Well?
Droughts and water shortages have already been driving conflict around the globe: The potential for conflict is more than theoretical. Turkey, Syria and Iraq bristle over the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt trade threats over the Nile. The United Nations has said water scarcity is behind the bloody wars in Sudan’s Darfur region. In Somalia, drought has spawned warlords and armies. Already, the World Health Organization says, 1 billion people lack access to potable water. In northern China, retreating glaciers and shrinking wetlands that feed the Yangtze River prompted researchers to warn that water supplies for hundreds of millions of people may be at risk. Water wars will worsen
Water has emerged as a key issue that could determine if Asia is headed toward cooperation or competition. No country would influence that direction more than China, which controls the Tibetan plateau, the source of most major rivers of Asia. Tibet's vast glaciers and high altitude have endowed it with the world's greatest river systems. Its rivers are a lifeline to the world's two most-populous states - China and India - as well as to Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. These countries make up 47 percent of the global population.
Yet Asia is a water-deficient continent. Although home to more than half of the human population, Asia has less fresh water - 3,920 cubic meters per person - than any continent other than the Antarctica and China is taking it. The looming struggle over water resources in Asia has been underscored by the spread of irrigated farming, water-intensive industries and a growing middle class that wants high water-consuming comforts like washing machines and dishwashers. Household water consumption in Asia is rising rapidly, although several major economies there are acutely water-stressed.
The specter of water wars in Asia is also being highlighted by climate change and environmental degradation in the form of shrinking forests and swamps that foster a cycle of chronic flooding and droughts. The Himalayan snow melt that feeds Asia's great rivers could be accelerated by global warming. Man am I naive! I couldn't understand China's wanting to control Tibet, the Himalaya's, and the Dali Lama, now I know. Asia's water wars
This is a crisis that will only worsen every day around the world . Tens of millions of Americans have or are migrating to the southern and western states where there are many areas of chronic water shortages (duh). Remember when then Governor Bill Richardson fired the first shot, suggesting a national water policy, which is shorthand for stealing water from the Great Lakes. Rust belters were outraged, some suggesting we sell Richardson water at $80.00 a barrel.
Vegas, probably the fastest growing area in the country, is sucking as much from the Colorado as it can, and will still have major shortages. Las Vegas Accused of Engineering Massive Water Grab: Is This the Future of the West? [With Photo Slideshow]
The Great Lakes are in a low cycle and any diversion would probably be an ecological disaster. I was looking at the links that follow and the Great lakes are being fought over as we speak and America is already experiencing water wars as well as much of the world. Please look at the overwhelming amount of stories on The worlds water wars
The world is already at war with our shrinking changing environment. A war we are bound to lose. I cannot comprehend the world racing to another world war that will only serve to seal all of their demise even sooner. What is wrong with us?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
The droughts will be especially bad. How bad? Richard Seager, a senior researcher at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, looked at 19 computer models of the future under current global warming trends. He found remarkable consistency: Sometime before 2050, the models predicted, the Southwest will be gripped in a dry spell akin to the Great Dust Bowl drought that lasted through most of the 1930s. Well?
Droughts and water shortages have already been driving conflict around the globe: The potential for conflict is more than theoretical. Turkey, Syria and Iraq bristle over the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt trade threats over the Nile. The United Nations has said water scarcity is behind the bloody wars in Sudan’s Darfur region. In Somalia, drought has spawned warlords and armies. Already, the World Health Organization says, 1 billion people lack access to potable water. In northern China, retreating glaciers and shrinking wetlands that feed the Yangtze River prompted researchers to warn that water supplies for hundreds of millions of people may be at risk. Water wars will worsen
Water has emerged as a key issue that could determine if Asia is headed toward cooperation or competition. No country would influence that direction more than China, which controls the Tibetan plateau, the source of most major rivers of Asia. Tibet's vast glaciers and high altitude have endowed it with the world's greatest river systems. Its rivers are a lifeline to the world's two most-populous states - China and India - as well as to Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. These countries make up 47 percent of the global population.
Yet Asia is a water-deficient continent. Although home to more than half of the human population, Asia has less fresh water - 3,920 cubic meters per person - than any continent other than the Antarctica and China is taking it. The looming struggle over water resources in Asia has been underscored by the spread of irrigated farming, water-intensive industries and a growing middle class that wants high water-consuming comforts like washing machines and dishwashers. Household water consumption in Asia is rising rapidly, although several major economies there are acutely water-stressed.
The specter of water wars in Asia is also being highlighted by climate change and environmental degradation in the form of shrinking forests and swamps that foster a cycle of chronic flooding and droughts. The Himalayan snow melt that feeds Asia's great rivers could be accelerated by global warming. Man am I naive! I couldn't understand China's wanting to control Tibet, the Himalaya's, and the Dali Lama, now I know. Asia's water wars
This is a crisis that will only worsen every day around the world . Tens of millions of Americans have or are migrating to the southern and western states where there are many areas of chronic water shortages (duh). Remember when then Governor Bill Richardson fired the first shot, suggesting a national water policy, which is shorthand for stealing water from the Great Lakes. Rust belters were outraged, some suggesting we sell Richardson water at $80.00 a barrel.
Vegas, probably the fastest growing area in the country, is sucking as much from the Colorado as it can, and will still have major shortages. Las Vegas Accused of Engineering Massive Water Grab: Is This the Future of the West? [With Photo Slideshow]
The Great Lakes are in a low cycle and any diversion would probably be an ecological disaster. I was looking at the links that follow and the Great lakes are being fought over as we speak and America is already experiencing water wars as well as much of the world. Please look at the overwhelming amount of stories on The worlds water wars
The world is already at war with our shrinking changing environment. A war we are bound to lose. I cannot comprehend the world racing to another world war that will only serve to seal all of their demise even sooner. What is wrong with us?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Dalai Lama,
Great Lakes,
Mekong Delta,
middle east,
water wars,
Battle at Kruger: water Buffalo verse lions verse crocodile!
I just saw this for the first time but almost 52 million have been lucky enough to see this. The tourists who watched this feel good survival fight unfold are the luckiest in the world. The lions 5 of them were winning to make a meal of the baby water Buffalo then it got worse when a crocodile grabbed the baby and tried to pull the baby back into the water as the lions tried to pull it out.
Then unbelievably the herd of Water Buffalo returned and started taking on the lions one at a time throwing them into the air trying to free the baby who was still struggling. You have never seen anything like this. The tourist who took this video was remarkably lucky to watch this unfold from beginning to end.
Thanks to the videographer almost 52 million have observed this remarkable feel good survival story unfold. Do yourself a favor and join them! This is phenomenal and I know it is human nature for some but I was disappointed to see the level this was capitalized on.
Kruger National Park,
water buffalo's
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Democracy castrated!
Mikhail Gorbachev has accused Vladimir Putin of "castrating" Russia's electoral system and said he should not seek re-election as president. Putin has been a Russian Nazi in his unending effort to put an end to Russia's "failed" foray into Democracy. I have always liked and respected Mikhail Gorbachev and have found him to be genuine and as a result we are always in agreement.
It is not funny because I have written about it for years. "Democracy castrated" depicts most every Democracy in the world today including in the US.
Congress is complicit in our facade of Democracy while we criticize others:
A U.S.-based human rights group says despots around the world are attempting to pass themselves off as democrats, and in far too many cases are not being challenged by the world's established democracies. VOA's Michael Bowman reports from Washington, where Human Rights Watch released its annual report on the state of human rights across the globe. First the good news: according to Human Rights Watch, many leaders have come to recognize the value of being seen as defenders of democracy. As a brand name, "democrat" has never been more popular. But that is only the beginning of the story. "The bad news is that established democracies are letting autocrats pass themselves off as democrats," said Human Rights Watch Director Kenneth Roth. He said 2008 had seen a "cheapening or degradation" of democracy. It gets worse every year!
"Democracy has come to be seen as the key to legitimacy. We see leaders playing rhetorical games. And so you have [Russian President Vladimir] Putin talking about 'sovereign' democracy, where the sovereign in question seems to be himself. You have the Burmese generals talking about 'disciplined' democracy. China discussing 'socialist' democracy. Or [Pakistani President Pervez] Musharraf, in his audacity, talking about 'genuine' democracy as he imposes emergency rule," he said. Speaking at Washington's National Press Club, Roth accused established democracies like the United States of complicity in the charade.
"Perhaps the best illustration of the way that the natural defenders of democracy - the major Western democracies - are lowering the bar on what it takes to enter the club of democracies was the way that President Bush responded to General Musharraf's declaration of emergency rule in Pakistan. Musharraf detained thousands of opposition figures. He shut down part of the press. Judges were dismissed, undermining the rule of law. Yet President Bush said that Musharraf had somehow not crossed the line [gone too far]. He noted that Musharraf believes in democracy. That he is on the road to democracy. Now if the road to democracy includes locking up one's opponents, silencing the press, and undermining the rule of law, it is easy to see why every tyrant around the world thinks that he, too, might be able to qualify as a democrat," he said. The US no longer has the moral authority
* Of course the White House dismissed any suggestion that the United States has ceased to be an effective advocate of human rights. we are no longer a Democracy ourselves. It is merely a moniker used to interfere around the world. as I watch the world falling apart not just on a Government level but on an environmental level around the United States, throughout China, and the world.
* The world is falling apart the country is falling apart, our economy is collapsing, we are told our national guard are inadequate to rescue us if needed and our so called Politicians allow it to happen and just play frigging games. We hold ourselves up as the work in process model of Democracy and we are a frigging mess. We are not a Democracy we are a corporatocry. Democracy is supposed to control corporations our so called legal system has allowed corporations to control our Democracy.
China is doing a fine job of using Democracy to support their communist country. I was sickened when George w Bush told China they should model their Democracy after us.
The Pandora's box of independence is open. Just look at this! Since 1990, 34 new countries have been created. The dissolution of the USSR and Yugoslavia in the early 1990s caused the creation of most of the newly independent states.
You probably know about many of these changes but a few of these new countries seemed to slip by almost unnoticed. This comprehensive listing will update you about the countries which have formed since 1990.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Fifteen new countries became independent with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Most of these countries declared independence a few months preceding the fall of the Soviet Union in late 1991.
Former Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia dissolved in the early 1990s into five independent countries.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, February 29, 1992
Croatia, June 25, 1991
Macedonia (officially The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) declared independence on September 8, 1991 but wasn't recognized by the United Nations until 1993 and the United States and Russia in February of 1994
Serbia and Montenegro, (also known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), April 17, 1992 (see below for separate Serbia and Montenegro entries)
Slovenia, June 25, 1991
Other New Countries
Nine other countries became independent through a variety of causes.
March 21, 1990 - Namibia became independent of South Africa.
May 22, 1990 - North and South Yemen merged to form a unified Yemen.
October 3, 1990 - East Germany and West Germany merged to form a unified Germany after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
September 17, 1991 - The Marshall Islands was part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by the United States) and gained independence as a former colony.
September 17, 1991 - Micronesia, previously known as the Caroline Islands, became independent from the United States.
January 1, 1993 - The Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent nations when Czechoslovakia dissolved.
May 25, 1993 - Eritrea was a part of Ethiopia but seceded and gained independence.
October 1, 1994 - Palau was part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by the United States) and gained independence as a former colony.
May 20, 2002 - East Timor (Timor-Leste) declared independence from Portugal in 1975 but did not became independent from Indonesia until 2002.
June 3, 2006 - Montenegro was part of Serbia and Montenegro (also known as Yugoslavia) but gained independence after a referendum.
June 5, 2006 - Serbia became its own entity after Montenegro split.
Febraury 17, 2008 - Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia. 34 new countries since 1990
The new Country Independence movement
It is too late to worry about or use the excuse of concern over opening the Pandora's Box of countries dissolving because of desires for regions to become autonomous! our intervention has this so called Democratization program which is actually a shaping of sides in the upcoming new order Forever War. It will not be avoided but concern should be focused on Peace in the future and the opening the nuclear war Pandora's Box in defense of this failed Democratization program.
Now we have the Muslim Spring in the Middle east and North Africa. Watching the degradation of our own Democracy as Politicians lie to use the facade of concern for our Democracy for personal concern I am very concerned for the countries rising up and following our poor excuse for Democracy as an example to follow. Look at Iraq, Look at Afghanistan, look at every country we have interfered with. Know Democracy castrated describes every country I can think of I have to believe we are seeing the waning days of the grand experiment called Democracy. What do you think!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Monday, September 25, 2017
Every life form has pro and anti life forms within it! To the planet and the universe: The cancer called man!
I have thought for years that maybe man's role in this mass of a life form we call earth and the Universe is to bring the planets life cycle full circle. It would have no influence whatsoever on the universe as a whole and I have done a history of God and Religion and the lies we call History in the past but I don't want to talk about that right now or evolution Verse intelligent design which I have also put in its proper perspective but I will be glad to discuss all of it!
I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that their are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.
I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.
Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it if all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!
When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. the heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.
First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush has merely sped that process up! He is doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he is doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say is his to do.
Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell.
We are going against the cycle of life man and the planet are in and life only moves in one direction, forward, and we are trying to turn the clock back.
Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers.
However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.
Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.
* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our and the Planets demise! I wrote this four years ago but again it is dead on please read the whole thing
As we race to world war at a point in time where the weapons are no longer survivable by man or the planet mans role seems to be to end the life of the planet because of Bush taking the role of God. In the end we seem to now be here not to further the life of the planet our host life form but to end it.
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
earth's destruction,
George W Bush,
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