They were returning from a trip to a remote northern area to provide eye care to rural villagers, their aid organization and local officials said Saturday.The 10 charity workers, who also included two Afghans, a German and a Briton, were found slain in remote forested area of Badakhshan province, according to provincial police and their Kabul-based group, the International Assistance Mission. The Taliban movement claimed responsibility for the deaths, claiming those killed were spies and preachers of Christianity. Taliban kills 10 aid workers in Afghanistan The dead include six Americans, part of a medical team providing eye care in a northern province. The Taliban claims the workers were spies and preachers of Christianity
Afghan citizens better wake up and realize they better help defeat the Taliban at any cost unless they want a return to Sharia Law brutality and public beheading. Remember when the Taliban met out their brutal laws in public in the sports stadium with public floggings, beheading, and amputations of men women and children? Afghan civilians better realize they are in serious trouble if the Taliban get back in control of Afghanistan.
civilian deaths up 31% because of the Taliban
They better step up, they are the enemy too, not just Christians and doctors trying to help them. Remember just a few weeks back
Taliban leader Mullah Omar ordered Taliban fighters to kill Afghan civilians, contradicting orders he issued last year. Remember that farce they called a code of conduct to protect civilians. Yes civilians are dying from both sides. As usual they get the shit end of the stick!
In a statement NATO said it intercepted orders that Mullah Omar gave to subordinate commanders at the beginning of June. It says he instructed fighters to kill Afghans who work with NATO or the Afghan government, and to kill women who provide information to coalition forces. I have to ask what's changed really?
There was no immediate reaction to the claim from Taliban leaders but since they have said themselves they would kill anyone they think is a threat to them as they killed those Doctors as spies for the west. NATO says Mullah Omar ordered the Taliban to kill civilians
More than 1,000 Afghan civilians were killed in armed violence and security incidents in the first six months of 2010, a new Afghan study says. Afghanistan Rights Monitor says 1,074 civilians were killed between January and June - a slight increase compared with the same period in 2009. However, the number of people killed in NATO air strikes in the same period has halved, the report says. Changes to rules of engagement helped reduce that figure, the report says. Afghanistan civilian casualties on the rise compliments of Mullah Omar
We managed to lower the number of civilians killed so Mullah Omar has ordered the Taliban to kill as many as possible. I would hope the civilians in turn, turn on them. Their lives are on the line. They have got to stand up! The Taliban was on a public relations drive. The militants fighting on fronts from Afghanistan to Pakistan feared they were losing the propaganda war among their own people so the leadership released a new "code of conduct" for fighters in the field.
This new code of conduct is a death threat to all Afghan civilians by Mullah Omar and the Taliban, those that want to control them. They better read the writing on the wall and do something about outing Mullah Omar and the militant Taliban if it is even possible. The mentality around the world has always been if you do not win the people you can not win the war. The Taliban have proven they do not care about the people. They will kill them and those that try to help them.
I have sad frequently that civilians in Pakistan have formed Lashkars (civilian militia) and have taken on the Taliban and Afghan tribes and civilians better do the same thing. We should get out give them food and supplies and monitor the situation with drones. See if the people and the Government will stand up or be kowtowed by the Taliban. They must see the choice before them.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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