Looking Back at 2008 The entire world is on thin ice! Michael Phelps was the exception!
* Relax Reflect and enjoy your Christmas Eve!
This site is for the opinions of We The People in the trenches of American society and societies around the world. We are never listened to, always ignored, and very often right. It is time the average citizen had a voice and here it is. It is time we were all heard, now's our chance, and here is your forum. Let yourselves be heard.
jim honey- you will forgive me if i look ahead instead of reflecting on what was this past year- and the previous 8. for me, new year begins on january 20th.
in the meantime, have a merry cmas and a happy new year.
Hi Betmo
No forgiveness necessary we must look forward and have a lot to hope for!
Funny but I was thinking about you yesterday talking to B E and Diva at http://www.allvoices.com It is a ground breaking civilian media site and I have been spending a lot of time there. A thousand times the hits there. Take care and stay in touch!
Merry Christmas honey. It's always a good day for me when you drop by. Like Betmo, I'm looking forward to the inauguration.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year or any other Holidays you follow to you and all your loved ones.
May the New Year be filled with nothing but love and joy for you and yours.
God Bless.
I thank you Honey! It is always a pleasure to make your day! Stand aside though, waiting for the innauguration in anticipation is standing room only!
All right Anon!
Glad to see you out and about. I just saw you at Robert's. I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas my Utah Savage who isn't!
Wishing you nothing but the best Jim!
Happy Holidays, Jim!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays one fly and Karen, always thinking of you and everyone else I blog with! We have new hope come 1/20!
Wishing the whole Patriot Tribe a happy healthy christmas!
(hey my word veri is 'nates' which used to be my favorite deli in palm springs, yummm, now my mouth is watering for a sky-high beef brisket on rye) ....
Thank you and I always wish the best for you and yours. I have to laugh! You made me hungry too! Peace Girl!
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