Monday, August 14, 2006

Life with Islam: Like living in a hive of angry bees! Bush's Movements just makes them angrier!

We are making things worse not better as Bush thinks & he will make it worse!
After a month we were seeing more rockets than ever! Hezbollah appears unshaken!

One of the reasons that the bitter fighting between Israel and Hezbollah has been so difficult to halt is that it is a symptom of much deeper fault-lines in the region. Many analysts see it as part of a wider conflict that pits the United States against Iran and Syria. But the crisis has also highlighted some fundamental shifts within the Arab world.
Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah has positioned himself to be a more
influential player than ever in the event of an Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, taking advantage of a Lebanese government paralyzed by a complicated ethnic power-sharing system and a weak national army still reeling from decades of Syrian occupation
And we expect Lebanon's army to help the UN?

The Baghdad security plan, which some cast as the last chance to avert a civil war, will be thwarted by Iraq's prime minister because he is unwilling to tackle the country's biggest security threat, many residents and politicians fear.
Iraq is in civil war and it will only get worse as the entire middle east gets involved!

Violence in Afghanistan is at its worse and despite efforts, continues to worsen!
We have talked about Syria and Pakistan wanting to help Hezbollah!
Then there's last nights 60 minutes interview of Ahmadinejad! Very disturbing!

Bush continues to think he is winning something!
It is still starting and getting worse!

This is just a fraction of the realities of this so called war on terror. Bush calls this winning? we are winning the hearts and minds of terrorists that is what Bush is winning! Bush's policies are serving only to create a growing supply of enemies and increased Islamist martyrs.
We are listening to Bush say not to politicize this while his attack dogs say a vote for Democrats is a vote for Al Qaeda and insecurity!
Quite the opposite is true as usual! A vote for Repugs is a vote for to continue Bush's new societal, middle east, and world order. It guarantees an increase in societal decadence, an increase of enemies, and further middle east breakdown. We must get people to understand all this!
I have to fear the scenario in the link! Tell me what you think!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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