Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Mouse Testicles And you: You thought yours were Important?

Can you beleive it? I was listening to this yesterday and was amazed but just forgot about it as another screwball research. Wait a minute! think about this. Mice save the day for democrats! http://www.health24.com/news/Genetics/1-916,35103.asp

Testicular cells may provide an alternative source of cells - instead of emembryonic stem cells - for growing cells to repair damaged tissue or organs, suggests a German study in the latest online issue of the journal Nature.
AdvertisementThe researchers isolated stem cells from adult mouse testes that exhibit properties similar to embryonic stem cells, New Scientist reported. These testicle-derived cells - called multipotent adult germline cells - can be grown into all tissues of the mouse body.
It may be possible to use a simple testicular biopsy to extract these kinds of cells from human males to provide them with a source of genetically matched cells, the researchers said.
"We're in the process of doing this in humans and we're optimistic," research team leader Gerd Hasenfuss, of the Georg-August University of Gottingen, told New Scientist.
If it is possible, this approach would avoid the technical and ethical issues associated with generating stem cells from human embryos left over from fertility treatments. Those embryos have to be destroyed in the process of obtaining stem cells. – (HealthDayNews)

Can you beleive it! this would kill another issue for the Repugs. they have nothing else to stand on. This would take their last leg to stand on. only the most jaded and those capitalizing off of Bush's corruptive ineptitude can still be behind his insecurity policies.

* Mouse testicles kill stem cell issue for repugs!

James Joiner

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1 comment:

Hepzibah The Watchman said...

Great news - if we can save a life without taking a life - then let's go!