Thursday, January 12, 2006

Todays Fact:Alito will be nominated and we are in Trouble!

Let us take a few minutes and discuss the nomination of Sam Alito to replace Sandrah Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court. In October of last year I did a diary in which I suggested that the nomination of Miers for this position was a setup from the get go. He gets his way no matter how underhanded he has to be to get it as we all witness. He knew that both conservatives and Liberals would be against her. Poor President Bush he’s forced to go with Mr. Alito who he wanted in the first place. He’s forced to go with a true Conservative in his own frame of mind.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed this but the Republicans have without saying it shown that Miers was a ruse and a farce. With Alito and John Roberts the President will have his team in place to interpret the Constitution as he thinks it should be. With Miers defeat via withdrawal the President was pretty much guaranteed Mr. Alito’s nomination. Threat of a filibuster is of course being heard but it will not happen. Conservative republicans will have their way. Senator Graham announced President Bush’s intention from the start by saying he promised well seasoned well experienced nominees both of which we know Miers was not.
Like John Roberts Alito is what the president said he wanted in the first place. In addition he has a long troubling history if decisions detrimental to average Americans. He is both commended and criticized for answering all questions while saying nothing. He will continue to answer nothing honestly and he knows how to get his way. He is of the same frame of mind as the president. He is his man, he will get in, and we are in trouble.
Yesterdays hearings were very contentious. With Senator Specter’s arrogant ignorant tirade against Senator Kennedy’s remarks if there was any question before it became obvious that Mr. Alito is and will continue to be railroaded through. Today is the 4th and final day of questioning. With Mr. Alito being called even by the Republican Majority for choice as being out of step with mainstream Americans you know that is why the President wants him. This final day is a waste of breath time and money. His nomination is a foregone conclusion.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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