I know this is a touch button issue for many of you but here it is. This is a telling story to me as far as what the powers to be will do in order too get their way. It is pretty bad when in this instance you have Republicans fearing the underhanded tactics of their own party. Whoa!
It’s pretty bad when you have to fear the underhanded tactics of your own party. They should know the Presidents and Senates underhanded tactics. They’re just not used to having them turned on them. He will stop at nothing even burning those of his own party. To get what he wants.
I’ll explain the game real quick if it is needed. The President was given what he wanted and needed by keeping the borders insecure for his Necessary illegal immigrants, the clamping down of the lower classes, and supporting his many inept policies. Concern over border insecurity has hit the critical stage with much of the public.
Now that election season is upon us they are doing the right thing for them and their reelection not you. It is now President Bush’s responsibility to come through for them while still getting what he wants which as you know is a guest worker program and security for his illegal immigrants.
Doing the right thing and securing the Borders is not what he really wants. He continues to prove this by looking for ways to protect illegal immigrants and implement worker programs for them along with hopefully eventual citizenship. We do need migrant workers and immigrants but they should be controlled workers and immigrants.
So here we are you give me what I want which is a guest worker program and I’ll give you what you want and need for reelection which is Border Security.
Bay Buchanan and members of her committee are planning to take action. These concerned Republicans fear that Senators tied by big business interests will succeed in their efforts to pass guest worker programs into law. With the Presidents blessing and prompting they will succeed.
We have been saying this for years now if you haven’t found out the hard way yet, we the people do not matter. These Republicans work for the fundamentalists and other special interests that paid for and got them elected. They will force this on the American people like everything else because their corporate friends matter not the average American.
President Bush and his protégés will be underhanded in getting guest worker programs passed. As in every other instance he will get his way no matter who he has to step on. Just call him Karl Rove’s and protect his illegal immigrants he’ll be happy with that.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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