Speaking of playing political games we now have his master and teacher of 3D Politics who to no surprise is under indictment himself for his once denied role in Plamegate. Which you know was the uncovering of an undercover agent that of course like everything else with this administration no one had anything to do with. President Bush’s teacher of 3D (deceitful, deceptive, divisive politics spoke on CNN and proved he is the master of deception.
He didn’t like the questioning during the Alito hearings. Myself, I don’t think they were serious or pointed enough. He accused Democratic Senators of being small minded and mean spirited. That’s a self description of President Bush himself, and many republican leaders, if we ever heard one. He used the old, tired, false, and ignorant, statement that Democrats have a pre 9/11 view of the world and the republicans have a post 9/11 view of the world. That makes Roves wrong again not the Democrats. Like the president he refuses to deal with the situation in Iraq and anywhere else and insists on staying the unthinking non adaptive line of staying the course.
He warned republicans not to fall prey to the corruptive nature of power as we know he did. He called the GOP’s progress in recent years a stunning Political achievement. Like many of you I agree but not for the same reasons. He also said this so called success is also a cautionary tale of what happens to a dominant party. He of course was decrying the democrats but his party has already fallen prey to the entitlement mentality. He said Republicans should learn from the failures of others. I say they can stand to learn a lot more from their own failures.
He doesn’t want ethics concerns to hurt his party. Like many of you I can only hope it is too late for that thin veil. Republican Party chairman Mehlman said that one of the oldest lessons of history is that power corrupts and most of us can agree they are a prime example. Mr. Roves still thinks that protecting America and fighting terrorism are the Republican strong points.
If we have learned anything we know that is not true and 3D politics are their only strong point. He told the tired old lie that Republicans understand the ruthless enemy and the threat they pose and the same is not true for the Democrats, another falsehood. He accused the Democrats of opposing the Patriot Act.
It isn’t the Patriot Act they oppose it is the president and the way he insists on misusing the responsibilities that come with it. President Bush’s teacher is dirty, underhanded, and deceitful. A little truth would be nice but will not be heard. Mr. Rove’s accuses the Democrats of being demeaning and small minded, he better look in the mirror. People have begun to see the truth.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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