Saturday, December 31, 2005

Wer'e in trouble, Bush Promises to make 2006 as bad as 2005!!

Today is New Years Eve and we just heard the Presidents weekly radio address. It was his last hurrah for 2005 and he was talking about how he wants to continue his abuse of the past through 2006. This has to really scare you the average American. He vowed to continue what to you and I as average Americans witness and experience as the continued destruction of society and the country as we like to remember it. He still thinks we are the envy of the world. This is still partially true but only because a large part of the world is still behind us in their progression. Due to his insistence on continued tax cuts for the wealthy. His continued destruction of the lower classes, his continuing outsourcing of his Karl Rove’s taught 3D politics contributing to world disorder he is continuing to erode this envy as we move into 2006.
He continues to insist that 2005 was a good year for the country both home and abroad. As an average American you have to ask yourself for whom, the rich, the Fundamentalist Christians? He doesn’t have a clue about reality anywhere. He still insists that political progress in Iraq is looking good and continuing to move forward, unbelievable. He can somehow still insist we are showing improvements in the U.S. economy. Again we have to stress that he is referring to the elite and the Christian fundamentalists that he works for not you the average American. We all experience his so called prosperity and economic improvements in the lower classes. Having read this book you also now know why. As a country of average Americans we can not take much more of his so called prosperity. I can only say in closing this for the year that I hope to God someone, anyone, can influence this President and make him do the right think for the country and its legal lower classes. Good luck to us in 2006!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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