Saturday, December 10, 2005

Bush uses Divide and Conquer on the Democrats once more!

I was awake last night thinking about all that is happening in the current Administration, a little problem I was having on my web site, Joe Lieberman’s being used by the President, and last but not least Karl Rove’s and his 3d( divisive, deceptive, deceitful)) Politics. Everything came full circle. I realized how I must end this book and the exact tactics once again being used by the president and why. All along I have been labeling the Presidents Karl Rove’s taught Political ploy as 3D. It in fact is. He not only uses these divide and conquer tactics in America in general to turn the people on each other. He uses it successfully on the Democratic Party continually. He proves this once again this time by using Mr. Lieberman’s stance on the Iraq war as a means of dividing the Democratic Party.
He uses it on his own Party in order to sway them into giving him what he wrongly wants for his own selfish plan for society. As you know, he has successfully outsourced this technique of poisonous divide and conquer Political tactics around the world. Sadly the negative results are playing out all over the world right now. We see it in the purposeful division in the Far East. We are watching it in the tensions and political division in the Stan’s (ex soviet Bloc satellites).
Worst of all we watch daily the negative results of these tactics of division. The problems he has caused with these tactics of division will not be overcome in Iraq. They will also continue to spread throughout the Middle East. Not just in Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, it will encompass them all and turn them on each other. We can already see this happening but things are still only getting started. It looks to me like Karl Rove’s a man that enjoys God like status in the Republican party is the purveyor of the worst problem to ever hit the world and the President is his too willing tool. God help us!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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