*Iraq forces free hostages as January toll tops 900
A new series of car bombings in and around Baghdad on Monday killed at least 16 people, officials said, as Iraq's Shiite-led government grapples with a stubborn Sunni extremist-led insurgency in the western Anbar province.
* To retake cities, Iraq turns to Sunni tribes: “No one can face the terrorists without the help of the Sunnis. The Americans couldn’t eliminate them without the Sunnis, and nor can the government,” said Dhafer al-Ani, a spokesman for the Sunni Mutahidun political party.To bring them on board, Maliki has recently said there is no limit on arming and equipping tribal fighters.
A new series of car bombings in and around Baghdad on Monday killed at least 16 people, officials said, as Iraq's Shiite-led government grapples with a stubborn Sunni extremist-led insurgency in the western Anbar province.
* To retake cities, Iraq turns to Sunni tribes: “No one can face the terrorists without the help of the Sunnis. The Americans couldn’t eliminate them without the Sunnis, and nor can the government,” said Dhafer al-Ani, a spokesman for the Sunni Mutahidun political party.To bring them on board, Maliki has recently said there is no limit on arming and equipping tribal fighters.
Government spokesman Ali al-Moussawi said the Iraqi cabinet has approved $3.4 million for payments to tribesmen and more than $17 million for infrastructure projects in Anbar.“We are supplying them with more weapons and whatever they need,” he said. “They will be treated like any troop in the Iraqi army. They will have salaries and pensions and any right a troop in the Iraqi army has.”
The total breakdown is now all but guaranteed and Al-Maliki is also arming the other side as when all is said and done the Sunni will side together as Saudi Arabia is their guide not their Shiite enemy Nouri al-maliki.
US war gains in Iraq now lost or threatened as we knew they would be from day one: Good luck Middle East
US war gains in Iraq now lost or threatened: Indeed, Iraqis are threatened again by civil war over charges of treason and resistance to an authoritarian government. Many significant gains of the 8-year-long Iraq war in which more than 4,400 Americans died have been lost or are now threatened unless swift actions evict the insurgents.
"I fear it's only the beginning and much worse will evolve," says Fred Kagan, a military historian and former adviser to President George W. Bush and U.S. military commander David Petraeus. "And I believe it was avoidable."
Sure it was if we left them alone and Bush knew it. The civil war Bush started in Iraq is now spreading throughout the middle east as planned. This is not an Arab spring in a fight for Democracy, it is just the beginning of a long Arab and middle east winter.
It does not take a damn military expert. We and Bush knew it would erupt into total civil war before he ignored all good advice to the contrary and attacked Iraq to get back into the middle east to help Iran and look for a reason to go after Syria, Iran, and others. Well you see how that is going.
Before Bush started this civil war he knew what would be the result of his illegal attack on Iraq, He did it anyway so he could get back in to the middle east to help Israel.
It will not be stopped and before Bush's illegal attack he was warned of this. He as you know ignored all good advice.
Bush still swears this was a success and history will vindicate him. Iraq's breakdown that he guaranteed with his illegal attack will spread throughout the middle east. Now it will be aided by Syria's breakdown spreading throughout the middle east. Turkey is already preparing to go into Syria after Turkish, Iraqi, and Syrian Kurds forming up and attacking from Syria. The total middle east breakdown we have seen coming and talked about from day one is fast approaching.
The breakdown Sunni against Shiite against Kurd was guaranteed the day Bush ignored all good advice to the contrary and attacked Iraq. It was guaranteed as soon as we left whether we left today or were stupid enough to hang around longer as Republican nominees are wrongly criticizing Obama for not doing. From Iraq it will spread throughout the entire middle east compliments of Bush not Obama.
The International Committee of the Red Cross, in a report titled "Iraq: No Let-up in the Humanitarian Crisis," writes, "Despite limited improvements in security in some areas, armed violence is still having a disastrous impact. Civilians continue to be killed in the hostilities. "The injured often do not receive adequate medical care. Nothing has changed people except in some cases to get worse.
Millions of people have been forced to rely on insufficient supplies of poor-quality water as water and sewage systems suffer from a lack of maintenance and a shortage of engineers." "Nothing has changed people but we are leaving them to their own demise and it will spread through the entire middle east."
Both Amnesty and the Red Cross slam the Iraqi government for failing to grapple with the critical needs of their populations.
The two reports cited a litany of concerns that will not be corrected, including severe widespread poverty, a lack of food and water, and broken families left to scrounge for whatever they can find to get by. Both reports described a situation that shows no sign of clear improvement. Many women "have been forced to wear Islamic dress or targeted for abduction, rape or killing. That is not to speak of the more than 2 million permanent nomads because of Bush's and Obama's actions.
If Bush had stayed in Afghanistan as he should have instead of diverting from the war on terror to attack Iraq so he could start implementing his new middle east order, Iraq may still have a Dictator but they would have security, electricity, water, fuel, and a lot more than they have now or will have in the future. We will never be able to bring services anywhere close to the level they were at when Saddam was in power. It is laughable to think that anyone thought they would be better post Saddam.
We now see what our interference has done. The middle east east and North Africa may have had dictators supported by the west but there was an order. As expected, the middle east is now exploding and we will not like the results. It is not an Arab spring but an Arab and middle east fall.
The term “New Middle East” was introduced to the world in June 2006 in Tel Aviv by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. She is credited with coining the phrase. I am disturbed with the role she played because she sat on chevron's board before she became Secretary of State to push Bush's plan through. We have discussed that and her and Cheney's role in energy and Afghanistan in the past and will again but for now:
The “New Middle East” project was introduced publicly by Washington and Tel Aviv with the expectation that Lebanon would be the pressure point for realigning the whole Middle East and thereby unleashing the forces of “constructive chaos.” This “constructive chaos” –which generates conditions of violence and warfare throughout the region– would in turn be used so that the United States, Britain, and Israel could redraw the map of the Middle East in accordance with their geo-strategic needs and objectives
She described Israel's attack on Lebanon as birth pains in establishing the new Middle East and was rightly criticized for it. As Bush did when he described the attack on Iraq as a crusade before recanting his truth, the truth was often spoken accidentally and denied. The “New Middle East” project was introduced publicly by Washington and Tel Aviv with the expectation that Lebanon would be the pressure point for realigning the whole Middle East and thereby unleashing the forces of “constructive chaos.
” This “constructive chaos” –which generates conditions of violence and warfare throughout the region– would in turn be used so that the United States, Britain, and Israel could redraw the map of the Middle East in accordance with their geo-strategic needs and objectives. This supposedly new map was prepared by retired Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters. Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
He use to appear on Fox a lot but I have not heard from him of late. Anyway the map is the one pictured but there is no way it is going to happen. Bush freed Iran up to pursue her version of a new Middle East order. This most definitely will be war, a total middle east breakdown at the very least
Finding those plans for a new Middle East map now makes sense of Iran's belligerence and drive for nuclear power and advanced weapons to take us on.
This is only going to end in war period but how constrained is the only question!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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