James F. Jeffrey, who was the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad when the last U.S. troops left in December 2011, said that Iraqi forces had performed poorly and that it was clear that their skills had deteriorated now that the U.S. troops training them were gone. “This is the first example I have seen that the absence of American troops that would have provided tactical training has had an impact on the battlefield,” said Mr. Jeffrey, who is now a visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
22 people killed, 64 wounded in attacks in Iraq:Bomb and gunfire attacks, mainly targeting Iraqi security forces, in the predominantly Sunni areas in Iraq on Wednesday killed 22 and wounded some 64 others, as the country struggles to contain the worst violence since 2008.
The deadliest attack in the day occurred in the morning when gunmen attacked a police station with mortar rounds and assault rifles near the northern city of Mosul, some 400 km north of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, killing up to 11 policemen and wounding another, a local police source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. Afterwards, a roadside bomb went off when reinforcement troops arrived at the scene, wounding two people, the source said.Sunday, June 23, 2013
Head of United Iraq party murdered on eve of elections:Total breakdown closer every day
Head of United Iraq party murdered on eve of elections: Yunus al-Ramah, head of the United Iraq party, was attacked at his home in the town of Al-Hadhr, in Nineveh province. "The suicide bomber targeted people gathering in Ramah's garden," police First Lieutenant Islam al-Juburi told AFP. Five people were killed -- Ramah and four of his relatives -- and six others wounded, Juburi and a doctor said. Ramah's political party is perceived to be allied to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and a number of the party are due to run in the June 20 polls.
Iraq mayhem 'ready to explode' into wider middle east conflict

Wave of attacks hits Shia and Sunni areas of Iraq as the middle east breakdown is unstoppable
Wave of attacks hits Shia and Sunni areas of Iraq, killing at least 57:
The attacks, some of which hit market places and crowded bus stops
during the morning rush hour, pushed the death toll in Iraq since
Wednesday to more than 200.
bloodshed over the past week has been reminiscent of the retaliatory
attacks between Sunnis and Shiites that pushed the country to the brink
of civil war in 2006-2007. Tensions have been worsening since Iraq’s
minority Sunnis began protesting what they say is mistreatment at the
hands of the Shia-led government.
*Call to arms in Iraq after deadly Kirkuk clashes: The call comes after dozens of people were killed and injured when Iraqi security forces stormed a Sunni Muslim anti-government protest camp in Hawija, near Kirkuk, on Tuesday. The raid on the protest was followed by an attack on Iraqi army checkpoints. Nine Iraqi army members have been killed so far.
Iraqi Premier Nuri al-Maliki has ordered the establishment of a fact-finding mission to investigate the details of the Hawija incident. Meanwhile, Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi labeled the incident in Hawija as a “catastrophe,” adding that the army’s action against the protesters was a “flagrant violation of the constitution.” To recap what of late brought this on:
Bush started this civil war he knew would be the result of his illegal attack on Iraq so he could get back in to the middle east to help Israel. Sectarian Fighting Worsens in Iraq
Iraqi Army Regains Control Of Sunni Town
Iraq death toll reaches 195 after explosions target four Baghdad area mosques
Iraqi PM calls for dialogue to stop 'sectarian civil war'
It will not be stopped and before Bush's illegal attack he was warned of this. He as you know ignored all good advice.
It will not be stopped and before Bush's illegal attack he was warned of this. He as you know ignored all good advice.
Bush still swears this was a success and history will vindicate him. Iraq's breakdown that he guaranteed with his illegal attack will spread throughout the middle east. Now it will be aided by Syria's breakdown spreading throughout the middle east. Turkey is already preparing to go into Syria after Turkish, Iraqi, and Syrian Kurds forming up and attacking from Syria. The total middle east breakdown we have seen coming and talked about from day one is fast approaching.
The breakdown Sunni against Shiite against Kurd was guaranteed the day Bush ignored all good advice to the contrary and attacked Iraq. It was guaranteed as soon as we left whether we left today or were stupid enough to hang around longer as Republican nominees are wrongly criticizing Obama for not doing. From Iraq it will spread throughout the entire middle east compliments of Bush not Obama.
The International Committee of the Red Cross, in a report titled "Iraq: No Let-up in the Humanitarian Crisis," writes, "Despite limited improvements in security in some areas, armed violence is still having a disastrous impact. Civilians continue to be killed in the hostilities. "The injured often do not receive adequate medical care. Nothing has changed people except in some cases to get worse.
Millions of people have been forced to rely on insufficient supplies of poor-quality water as water and sewage systems suffer from a lack of maintenance and a shortage of engineers." "Nothing has changed people but we are leaving them to their own demise and it will spread through the entire middle east."
Both Amnesty and the Red Cross slam the Iraqi government for failing to grapple with the critical needs of their populations.
The two reports cited a litany of concerns that will not be corrected, including severe widespread poverty, a lack of food and water, and broken families left to scrounge for whatever they can find to get by. Both reports described a situation that shows no sign of clear improvement. Many women "have been forced to wear Islamic dress or targeted for abduction, rape or killing. That is not to speak of the more than 2 million permanent nomads because of Bush's and Obama's.
If Bush had stayed in Afghanistan as he should have instead of diverting from the war on terror to attack Iraq so he could start implementing his new middle east order, Iraq may still have a Dictator but they would have security, electricity, water, fuel, and a lot more than they have now or will have in the future. We will never be able to bring services anywhere close to the level they were at when Saddam was in power. It is laughable to think that anyone thought they would be better post Saddam.
The Congressional investigation into reconstruction in Iraq found that six out of eight projects the Bush administration claimed to be a success were falling apart, throwing doubts over the long-term viability of much of the $30 billion program. I have to tell you, the entire program, the surge, Democracy, everything, was guaranteed lost from the get go. What ever is built will be destroyed.
The report looked at hospital projects that at last count their was one capable of operating at all and that great success. Each sect is only concerned with looking out for their own interest and future and as we are told to ignore everyday because it is not "the reality on the ground" reality is much worse! The inspectors found serious plumbing and electrical failures due to looting, equipment lying idle to me primarily because people are scared to death to venture out into the reality Bush has created for them. This 2007 report blames Iraqi's for the disaster Bush created and still exists today From the Political system to the oil Industry, Hospitals, electricity, plumbing, security, everything, It will not be turned around and will only get a lot worse before it spreads throughout the entire middle east.
In closing, the 2009 report:The humanitarian situation remained alarming. According to the UN, at least 4 million Iraqis still did not have enough food, around 40 per cent of the population did not have access to clean drinking water, and 30 per cent did not have access to adequate health care services. The education system was near collapse with schools and universities lacking essential materials such as books, and teachers and students terrorized by violence. Many schools were bombed. The unemployment rate remained extremely high at 50 per cent or even higher. If this is success the entire middle east is screwed!
In the middle of our "success" I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
As you know, I talk about it often as I watch Bush's new Middle East (dis)order progress. He ignored Afghanistan so he could use the patriot acts powers to divert from Afghanistan to attack Iraq using the excuse of unseating Saddam so he could get in the Middle East to help Israel establish a buffer zone and establish a new middle east (dis) order or so Israel and Cheney thought. Bush at Cheney's urging made an abrupt shift in policy towards Syria, a shift that has now brought the entire Mideast region to the brink of war and chaos. Much worse than the hell on earth they created for Iraq. Did you ever read A clean Break a 2003 Executive intelligence Review that tells the truth as to our diabolical plans
That plan was put together in 1996 for Israel. They were just waiting for an idiot to come along so they could implement their plan for the Middle East. Along came the life long follower and life long alcoholic loser Georgie Bush. I wish I could say the rest is History but this is still barely beginning and just beginning to take shape. All Bush did by ignoring Afghanistan and attacking Iraq was to guarantee a loss of everything and a complete Middle East and Asian Breakdown.
We freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
What about the Kurds who want their autonomy and they do not want to share their oil fields period. Nuri Al-Maliki wants that issue resolved and it will never be. The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too.
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he still calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East Sunni against Shiite and it is. Shiite Iran and Hezbollah backed by Russia is not going to abdicate their stance in the middle east.
the opposite as you are still just seeing the beginning of the total
middle east breakdown Bush guaranteed with his illegal attack on Iraq.
Saddam was lying about having WMD because he wanted to keep Iran in
freed up Iran to take the lead role in the middle east to achieve their
idea of a new middle east order and not ours, Israels, or Sunni Saudi
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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