Subject: Oreilley's talking points memo election day was as usual biased and off base. Reminding people to vote was the only correct thing he said. He blames all our problems on the so called Left and the Left Wing media.
They are only attempting to counter #1 News Channel fox News and the crooked Right Wing anti American agenda. He blames left Wing radicals for destroying family values. When I experienced the court dominance over the family it was pre 24 hour news and their influence.
I never though that it was because of Left wing control. Until 24 hour media control many of us were oblivious to who was controlling us. We are controlled that we know, right or left is not important only that it is wrong.
He says the Left Wing media is trying to convince Americans that the government knows best for our children and our families. Isn't that the way it has been for years and in fact is right now? Isn't this a Republican led country? Isn't this excessive control increasing under Republican misdirection?
Hasn't our rights been squashed, Government enlarged, and spending allowed to run amok under the so called Conservatives. He says these are complicated issues. Like everything else they are only complicated because we purposely make them that way. Parents right have been dead for years.
Media controls the Political agenda with the advent of 24 hour news channels not the Left. The Media controls Public perception not the left. Media controls the issues discussed not the Left. Media turns everything into Left versus right for their personal pleasure and financial gain
. It isn't the left that is our problem it is the media and their control of every single agenda. With the Republicans masterful control of P. R. and thus the media, the media have facilitated all of our problems and divisiveness.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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