Thursday, November 03, 2005

A Christian is Is not a Chritian does !

I just caught sight of Bill Oreilley's transcript on Religion under Seige. Once again, he is right on the subject but biased and wrong in his stance. Religion is under seige as he says. However not only is it under seige by the ACLU who is trying to take Religion from the lives and vocabulary of the entire country. The so called Religious Right are often times worse than the so called Atheist's they love to bash. Bill's defense of Christianity is off base and purposely misleading as is every defense he makes on any situation. I like many of you am Christian. just because you are Christian or any other Religion does not by any means make you good or bad by decree.
Bill's defense: 85% of Americans call themselves christian
Fact: Only a small number actually practice and are true to Christianity

Bill's question: Why's that?
Fact: It's popular and they think it will save them from their personal ills

Bill, How did it happen?
Fact: good P. R. nothing more, action's speak louder than words in Religion

Bill, What exactly is christianity?
Fact: most Christians don't know or have what it takes to fill the meaning

* We all see the Christians we are led by in the Republican party, how two faced, under handed, and in fact anti Christian they in fact really are. I for one have met so many actual anti christian proffessed Christians that think what they want is what Christianity is all about i'm turned off myself. They talk about Islamists hijacking their religion. They are no better.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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