This is really laughable with President Bush going to arizona to give a speech on his illegal immigration Isn't that a little too much like the thief going to the store the store he stole from and lecturing them on security. Like the thief President Bush has gotten what he wanted. He has his neededlarge influx of illegal immigrant labor now he can operate on just the cheap labor and the amount of legal immigrants he will get from his proposed worker program.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, November 28, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Wer'e not Stupid we get it !!!
Expecting common sense and the right thing done from the President and saying so has become known as Bush bashing. Seeing that every time I turn to Oreilley's show he has the wrong take on every single issue. Now I'm starting to feel like an Oreilley basher too. That is a good thing but in both cases it is worthless because they have their own agenda and that is all that matters. I have decided that I am sick of people that just don't get it making a living accusing others of just not getting it. I just don't get it! What happened to the idea of engaging brain first? Oreilley agrees with former CIA michael Scheuer that the public is uneducated as to the real dangers we are facing and does not have the will to fight the enemy, the terrorists in their eyes. We get it, they are after the wrong public enemy #1. The worst enemy to our precious America is within. Wer'e not stupid! First we must fight the real enemy to our caring, compassionate, Democratic America, President Bush. Then we can concentrate on the President created #1 enemy the Islamists.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Do we need any more reminders? The planet has had enough negative influence?
The planet has had enough of man's Negative Influence. with Gamma being a record breaking 24th named hurricane, double the norm with more to come for sure. Do we need any more warnings that we are in trouble
with the planet? I was thinking of all the natural disasters that seem to be occurring more frequently and are frequently more horrific. There have throughout the history of the world always been tremeandous natural disasters as we all know. However, they are increasing at a more frequent rate. they are also increasingly more damaging to man as he populates and influences the planet negatively. We as American's have had more than our share of late. We are still reeling from Katrina and are preparing as we speak for hurricane Rita. I explained in a manuscript on Man's and the planet's Life Cycles that we are through our maturing stage where World Wars were survivable by man and the Planet. We are now in the Nurturing stage of both man's and the planet's life Cycles. Our weapons have become too horrific for man or the planet to survive. We still fail to act acccordingly. The planet like man have hit the point of overload. The planet as we are witnessing is now reacting to our negative influence on her natural ability to heal herself. Global warming, Glacial melting, the greenhouse effect, and rising oceans aside. The planet and man no longer need war to ensure destruction. The Planet is now capable more than ever of doing that herself. As we all know and are winessing, man has not learned to set aside his warring ways. We will continue to speed up the natural cycle of man and the planet until we have achieved our demise. As i've always said, if something's survival is dependant on mans management then it will die. Man has proven time and time again to not be capable of managing himself let alone anything else.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
with the planet? I was thinking of all the natural disasters that seem to be occurring more frequently and are frequently more horrific. There have throughout the history of the world always been tremeandous natural disasters as we all know. However, they are increasing at a more frequent rate. they are also increasingly more damaging to man as he populates and influences the planet negatively. We as American's have had more than our share of late. We are still reeling from Katrina and are preparing as we speak for hurricane Rita. I explained in a manuscript on Man's and the planet's Life Cycles that we are through our maturing stage where World Wars were survivable by man and the Planet. We are now in the Nurturing stage of both man's and the planet's life Cycles. Our weapons have become too horrific for man or the planet to survive. We still fail to act acccordingly. The planet like man have hit the point of overload. The planet as we are witnessing is now reacting to our negative influence on her natural ability to heal herself. Global warming, Glacial melting, the greenhouse effect, and rising oceans aside. The planet and man no longer need war to ensure destruction. The Planet is now capable more than ever of doing that herself. As we all know and are winessing, man has not learned to set aside his warring ways. We will continue to speed up the natural cycle of man and the planet until we have achieved our demise. As i've always said, if something's survival is dependant on mans management then it will die. Man has proven time and time again to not be capable of managing himself let alone anything else.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Dead Wrong Again!! He still refuses to Engage Brain!!
Bush Says No Withdrawal from Iraq
By Scott Stearns Beijing20 November 2005
President George W. Bush (file photo)President Bush says opposition Democrats calling for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq are wrong because that would make America less secure.
Half a world away from Washington's acrimonious debate about Iraq, President Bush sought to tone down some of the rhetoric sparked by Democratic Congressman John Murtha's call for U.S. troops to come home.
"Congressman Murtha is a fine man, a good man who served our country with honor and distinction as a Marine in Vietnam and as a United States congressman," he said. "He is a strong supporter of the United States military and I know the decision to call for an immediate withdrawal of our troops by Congressman Murtha was done in a careful and thoughtful way. I disagree with his position."
President Bush says a premature withdrawal would not only strengthen America's enemies in Iraq, but in the broader fight against terrorism as well.
"They want to break our will in Iraq so that we leave and they can turn Iraq into what Afghanistan was under the Taleban - a safe haven for terror, a place where they can plot and plan attacks against America and freedom loving countries around the world," he said.
John MurthaCongressman Murtha this past week surprised the White House with an emotional call for U.S. troops to leave Iraq, saying the military has accomplished its mission and its duty is done.
The Pennsylvania lawmaker said U.S. troops have become a catalyst for violence as the primary targets of Iraqi insurgents who he says are united against American forces.
That brought stinging denunciations from Republican legislators and White House spokesman Scott McClellan who said Congressman Murtha's plan would be surrendering to terrorists on the eve of historic elections in Iraq.
Speaking to reporters in Beijing, President Bush said questions about the war are part of an important debate worthy of America - a debate that he says does not have to be a partisan political issue.
"People should feel comfortable about expressing their opinions about Iraq," he said. "I heard someone say well maybe so-and-so is not patriotic because they disagree with my position. I totally reject that thought. This is not an issue of who is patriotic and who is not patriotic. It is an issue of an honest open debate about the way forward in Iraq."
The president says he is confident of the way forward, that the political process in Iraq will slowly but surely marginalize those who are trying to stop the development of a democracy that he says will set a clear example of what is possible for reformers in Iran, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territories.
President Bush refuses to see that the exact opposite of what he advocates is again the right thing to do. We are increasing insugebcy and opposition along with a,erican Homeland security by refusing to leave Iraq or shouwing a willingness to do this when the time is right. Senator murtha is right and the Politics of destruction must stop. Our troops should be brought home to fortify America not Iraq. Even a war requires some tack, aplomb, and sense, none of which Bush ever displays.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
By Scott Stearns Beijing20 November 2005
President George W. Bush (file photo)President Bush says opposition Democrats calling for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq are wrong because that would make America less secure.
Half a world away from Washington's acrimonious debate about Iraq, President Bush sought to tone down some of the rhetoric sparked by Democratic Congressman John Murtha's call for U.S. troops to come home.
"Congressman Murtha is a fine man, a good man who served our country with honor and distinction as a Marine in Vietnam and as a United States congressman," he said. "He is a strong supporter of the United States military and I know the decision to call for an immediate withdrawal of our troops by Congressman Murtha was done in a careful and thoughtful way. I disagree with his position."
President Bush says a premature withdrawal would not only strengthen America's enemies in Iraq, but in the broader fight against terrorism as well.
"They want to break our will in Iraq so that we leave and they can turn Iraq into what Afghanistan was under the Taleban - a safe haven for terror, a place where they can plot and plan attacks against America and freedom loving countries around the world," he said.
John MurthaCongressman Murtha this past week surprised the White House with an emotional call for U.S. troops to leave Iraq, saying the military has accomplished its mission and its duty is done.
The Pennsylvania lawmaker said U.S. troops have become a catalyst for violence as the primary targets of Iraqi insurgents who he says are united against American forces.
That brought stinging denunciations from Republican legislators and White House spokesman Scott McClellan who said Congressman Murtha's plan would be surrendering to terrorists on the eve of historic elections in Iraq.
Speaking to reporters in Beijing, President Bush said questions about the war are part of an important debate worthy of America - a debate that he says does not have to be a partisan political issue.
"People should feel comfortable about expressing their opinions about Iraq," he said. "I heard someone say well maybe so-and-so is not patriotic because they disagree with my position. I totally reject that thought. This is not an issue of who is patriotic and who is not patriotic. It is an issue of an honest open debate about the way forward in Iraq."
The president says he is confident of the way forward, that the political process in Iraq will slowly but surely marginalize those who are trying to stop the development of a democracy that he says will set a clear example of what is possible for reformers in Iran, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territories.
President Bush refuses to see that the exact opposite of what he advocates is again the right thing to do. We are increasing insugebcy and opposition along with a,erican Homeland security by refusing to leave Iraq or shouwing a willingness to do this when the time is right. Senator murtha is right and the Politics of destruction must stop. Our troops should be brought home to fortify America not Iraq. Even a war requires some tack, aplomb, and sense, none of which Bush ever displays.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Bush's wrongheaded sense Benefits China !!
President Bush enriches China with a 200 Billion dollar trade deficit yearly. He puts us further in debt in the futile hope that they will turn Democratic. How could anyone in their right mind think that. He is financing the building of an enormous Chinese war machine. China is clandestinely building its military at our expense and it will be used to kill the American youth Bush is supposed to be concerned about. China is cracking down on freedom of expression. that doesn't sound Democratic leaning. They're constraining foreign media. I don't think that's because they don't want the world to see their boundless Democratic principles. They pursue Communist ideals openly and without constraint. President Reagan starved Russia's military into defeat and Bush thinks feeding a richer Nation such as China would accomplish the same thing? We can't spend China into submission as we did Russia. Bush thinks China is an embryonic Democracy. They might be under the tutelage of a better example of Democracy than the one they are learning under. Bush has turned what might have been an embryonic Democracy into an aborted Democracy. Bush rediculously thinks that China's economic development feeds their desire for Democracy. In reality it supports their beloved Communism. A needed limited Democracy only supports their Communist principles and is good for nothing else as far as they are concerned. It is a necessary evil. Further economic growth will only enbolden China further and bring even more increased crackdowns on all human rights. We are doing the exact opposite with China than we did with Russia. How can anyone but Bush think they would get the same results?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, November 14, 2005
What about the 42 virgins ??
I have been looking off and on all day to be able to pose this series of questions. I did not see a post on the subject so I just have to ask this. We have in the past seen female suicide bombers. After the latest announcement that in the triple suicide bombing in Jordan there was at least one husband and wife team these questions came to mind. Would this guy still get his 42 virgins? Does she get hers? Does he swear off the virgins to be with his wife? Is she okay with him getting 42 other wonen? and vice a versa of course? Does this whole rediculous theory of motivation get thrown out the window? has this rediculous thought dawned on anyone else? No one gets virgins only the satisfaction that they fucked you at leart once before they put themselves out of their misery.
I have been looking off and on all day to be able to pose this series of questions. I did not see a post on the subject so I just have to ask this. We have in the past seen female suicide bombers. After the latest announcement that in the triple suicide bombing in Jordan there was at least one husband and wife team these questions came to mind. Would this guy still get his 42 virgins? Does she get hers? Does he swear off the virgins to be with his wife? Is she okay with him getting 42 other wonen? and vice a versa of course? Does this whole rediculous theory of motivation get thrown out the window? has this rediculous thought dawned on anyone else? No one gets virgins only the satisfaction that they fucked you at leart once before they put themselves out of their misery.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I have been looking off and on all day to be able to pose this series of questions. I did not see a post on the subject so I just have to ask this. We have in the past seen female suicide bombers. After the latest announcement that in the triple suicide bombing in Jordan there was at least one husband and wife team these questions came to mind. Would this guy still get his 42 virgins? Does she get hers? Does he swear off the virgins to be with his wife? Is she okay with him getting 42 other wonen? and vice a versa of course? Does this whole rediculous theory of motivation get thrown out the window? has this rediculous thought dawned on anyone else? No one gets virgins only the satisfaction that they fucked you at leart once before they put themselves out of their misery.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, November 12, 2005
President Bush fires back at the truth he is sick of it !!
Stay the course. Keep doing everything wrong. Keep misinforming and misleading. Isn't his lack of leadership the ultimate in enboldening the terrorists as he likes to accuse those that want a little honesty of doing? What's new? Nothing at all! What's improved? Nothing at all! What has changed? Nothing at all! Him and his Administration have learned nothing at all , continue to prove it to the country and the terrorist's and then accuses his critics of enboldening the terrorists? Things are S.N.A.F.U. Doesn't he get it that not only do we realize that but the terrorists do too?
He accuses us of undermining troop morale. If he thinks a little truth hurts what does he think the lies are doing?
He says that the stakes on the war on terror are too high for Politicians to be throwing out falsehoods. isn't he the Chief Politician and why again is it okay for him to?
He says that baseless attacks are fueling the fire sending the wrong message to our troops and the terrorists. Isn't he the one that provided the kindling, started the fire, and continues to provide the fuel?
Bush's rhetoric shows he knows the power of the media and good P R in his attempt to continue to mislead and stay the course and nothing more. The public is finally losing confidence in him that they never should have had in the first place. They see his mis information campaign. They are seeing that he is hiding behind his religion and our Patriotism for his own abuse.
He is accusing his critics of trying to rewrite the history on the beginning of the war in Iraq. We are! We want the truth for once. We need the truth for once so we can pass down the facts to future generations not just another version of someone's personal selfish agenda as is the norm.
* We merely want the truth for once. He continues to blame the entire world for his ineptitude and continues to refuse any accountability at all for the many problems he continues to cause around the world. We in fact continue to have the best of intentions as a people. We just happen to be misled by the worlds worst leader.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
He accuses us of undermining troop morale. If he thinks a little truth hurts what does he think the lies are doing?
He says that the stakes on the war on terror are too high for Politicians to be throwing out falsehoods. isn't he the Chief Politician and why again is it okay for him to?
He says that baseless attacks are fueling the fire sending the wrong message to our troops and the terrorists. Isn't he the one that provided the kindling, started the fire, and continues to provide the fuel?
Bush's rhetoric shows he knows the power of the media and good P R in his attempt to continue to mislead and stay the course and nothing more. The public is finally losing confidence in him that they never should have had in the first place. They see his mis information campaign. They are seeing that he is hiding behind his religion and our Patriotism for his own abuse.
He is accusing his critics of trying to rewrite the history on the beginning of the war in Iraq. We are! We want the truth for once. We need the truth for once so we can pass down the facts to future generations not just another version of someone's personal selfish agenda as is the norm.
* We merely want the truth for once. He continues to blame the entire world for his ineptitude and continues to refuse any accountability at all for the many problems he continues to cause around the world. We in fact continue to have the best of intentions as a people. We just happen to be misled by the worlds worst leader.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Department of Hate
Department of Hate Hi
I forgot to give you my email if you are really interested in knowing the unbiased truth about the lies we live with and i know you hate then send me your email and i will send you a PDF on my 2nd book Life Today/The Real Story. It will knock your socks off if you wear them . maybe you can help me get the facts out. An avalanche starts as a mere rumor you know. Check it out there are a couple free downloads I know you will agree with and have never heard or seen. Before I leave I must say you are a trip, interesting Blog. Jim
I forgot to give you my email if you are really interested in knowing the unbiased truth about the lies we live with and i know you hate then send me your email and i will send you a PDF on my 2nd book Life Today/The Real Story. It will knock your socks off if you wear them . maybe you can help me get the facts out. An avalanche starts as a mere rumor you know. Check it out there are a couple free downloads I know you will agree with and have never heard or seen. Before I leave I must say you are a trip, interesting Blog. Jim
Friday, November 11, 2005
Fundamentalist strike another blow to Christianity
Thinking about this renewed daily debate with daily reminders in the news I remembered that this was an issue a while back and I wrote about it from an unbiased viewpoint. Here it is in respones to Bush's intervention an now Pat Robertson who has once again proven himself to be a major quak. Thankfully to me he has proven once again the danger of Christian fundamentalism in our society. I had to talk about this because I thought the President had no right to inject his beliefs into this debate.Now we hear from another crackpot that God won't help the town of Dover because they don't want divine intervention taught in their Schools. what happened to the god that loves everyone? what happened to the god that forgives all? these Fundamentalist seem to worship the same God as the Islamists do and that
is extremely dangerous as we have said many times. We have discussed in the past the theory of intelligent design. I do not believe in this for Religious reasons but rather for common sense. like most, i happen to believe in evolution. I also believe in what we call intelligent design. Both if thought about unbiasedly are fact. However due to personal bias most take one side of the issue or the other. Both views however are part of the whole which is man today as we know him. Religion should not be taught in our public schools. However, in teaching one or the other you are just giving half the equation and thus injecting your own personal agenda. Bush was speaking up for his base the fundamentalist Christian Right to lifer's and he has no right to advocate any principle as he has no leg to stand on. He has no right to advocate that religion in any context be taught in our public schools. Evolution is an undeniable fact, so too is some kind of intelligent design. We must remember that in the end our selfish bias should not be the measure. Right or wrong, the truth, the whole story, should be the only measure. We must get back to Thomas Jefferson's ideal that once you became a member of society you would automatically obtain common sense and do the right thing for that society. Forget about it today.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
is extremely dangerous as we have said many times. We have discussed in the past the theory of intelligent design. I do not believe in this for Religious reasons but rather for common sense. like most, i happen to believe in evolution. I also believe in what we call intelligent design. Both if thought about unbiasedly are fact. However due to personal bias most take one side of the issue or the other. Both views however are part of the whole which is man today as we know him. Religion should not be taught in our public schools. However, in teaching one or the other you are just giving half the equation and thus injecting your own personal agenda. Bush was speaking up for his base the fundamentalist Christian Right to lifer's and he has no right to advocate any principle as he has no leg to stand on. He has no right to advocate that religion in any context be taught in our public schools. Evolution is an undeniable fact, so too is some kind of intelligent design. We must remember that in the end our selfish bias should not be the measure. Right or wrong, the truth, the whole story, should be the only measure. We must get back to Thomas Jefferson's ideal that once you became a member of society you would automatically obtain common sense and do the right thing for that society. Forget about it today.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Wanted: Political Ambidexterity from anyone!!

Subject: Oreilley's talking points memo election day was as usual biased and off base. Reminding people to vote was the only correct thing he said. He blames all our problems on the so called Left and the Left Wing media.
They are only attempting to counter #1 News Channel fox News and the crooked Right Wing anti American agenda. He blames left Wing radicals for destroying family values. When I experienced the court dominance over the family it was pre 24 hour news and their influence.
I never though that it was because of Left wing control. Until 24 hour media control many of us were oblivious to who was controlling us. We are controlled that we know, right or left is not important only that it is wrong.
He says the Left Wing media is trying to convince Americans that the government knows best for our children and our families. Isn't that the way it has been for years and in fact is right now? Isn't this a Republican led country? Isn't this excessive control increasing under Republican misdirection?
Hasn't our rights been squashed, Government enlarged, and spending allowed to run amok under the so called Conservatives. He says these are complicated issues. Like everything else they are only complicated because we purposely make them that way. Parents right have been dead for years.
Media controls the Political agenda with the advent of 24 hour news channels not the Left. The Media controls Public perception not the left. Media controls the issues discussed not the Left. Media turns everything into Left versus right for their personal pleasure and financial gain
. It isn't the left that is our problem it is the media and their control of every single agenda. With the Republicans masterful control of P. R. and thus the media, the media have facilitated all of our problems and divisiveness.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
President Carter will get our word out but will they listen?
In light of President Carter's new book and the fact thet we are finally hearing truth voiced from someone who at least be heard. I am going to be posting exerpts I and others have said in the past that are the exact things President Carter observed only he is listened to and we aren't. Here is the first exerpt.We have to talk about this because in light of the performance of our Senators and Congress not too speak of this entire administration this makes complete sense. We have been continually talking and writing about this do nothing Republican Congress and Senate. They continually cry foul as to the Democrats interfering in their desires. Then when they have the chance to do something they do nothing but waste valuable time. We know that this has been happening well before
this current administration. We also know this administration has brought new never before seen lows as far as misrepresentation, dishonesty, religious intervention in Government policies, general incompetence and total lack of responsibility and accountability. Since the beginning of this current administration the Congress and Senate have become increasingly ineffective and very unconcerned with what we the people think. Increasingly as we have been saying, they do not work for the general public but for the President and special interests. Like the President they prove this day in and day out. It is time for us to adhere to the following principle and do the right thing for us and the country.We must relearn the principle of putting the country first and doing the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing as a Government, our future depends on it.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
this current administration. We also know this administration has brought new never before seen lows as far as misrepresentation, dishonesty, religious intervention in Government policies, general incompetence and total lack of responsibility and accountability. Since the beginning of this current administration the Congress and Senate have become increasingly ineffective and very unconcerned with what we the people think. Increasingly as we have been saying, they do not work for the general public but for the President and special interests. Like the President they prove this day in and day out. It is time for us to adhere to the following principle and do the right thing for us and the country.We must relearn the principle of putting the country first and doing the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing as a Government, our future depends on it.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Evolution verse intelligent design but why?
Thinking about this renewed daily debate with daily reminders in the news I remembered that this was an issue a while back and I wrote about it from an unbiased viewpoint. Here it is in response to Bush's intervention. I had to talk about this because I thought the President had no right to inject his beliefs into this debate but I did find myself agreeing with a small part of what he said and that never happens. Of course it isn't for the obvious reasons or for any selfish personal agenda but rather it is the facts. We have discussed in the past the theory of intelligent design. I do not believe in this for Religious reasons but rather for common sense. like most, i happen to believe in evolution. I also believe in what we call intelligent design. Both if thought about unbiasedly are fact. However due to personal bias most take one side of the issue or the other. Both views however are part of the whole which is man today as we know him. Religion should not be taught in our public schools. However, in teaching one or the other you are just giving half the equation and thus injecting your own personal agenda. Bush was speaking up for his base the fundamentalist Christian Right to lifer's and he has no right to advocate any principle as he has no leg to stand on. He has no right to advocate that religion in any context be taught in our public schools. Evolution is an undeniable fact, so too is some kind of intelligent design. We must remember that in the end our selfish bias should not be the measure. Right or wrong, the truth, the whole story, should be the only measure. We must get back to Thomas Jefferson's ideal that once you became a member of society you would automatically obtain common sense and do the right thing for that society. Forget about it today.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, November 04, 2005
I.E.D.priority only a consideration???
With 6 more troops killed Thursday by improvised explosive devices. With 60% of our 2037 troops killed and the biggest killer of troops being I E D's I can't believe we havn't devoted our all to the effort of detecting these things. We can figure out anything if we want to or in this case i'm sure, if there was enough financial incentive. What on earth are we waiting for? With 96 dead, October is the 4th deadliest month of the war. I refuse to believe that only now "11/04" is the Pentagon considering making the effort to develop new tactics and technologies against I E D's its top priority.Considering? this is unconscionable and unbelievable. What is wrong with us? What are we waiting for? According to the Pentagon combatting the ever improving I E d's has only been discussed. This should be priority one. We should have a top priority, innovative thinking, task force in front of their improvisations not them in front of us. These are fellow Americans we are talking about, regardless of what you think about the iraq war we have to take care of our own. If we wanted to we could figure out a way technologically to beat these I E D's. Put Bush over there. We wouldn't like it but We'd have an answer real quick.
James Joiner
Gardner, ma
James Joiner
Gardner, ma
Thursday, November 03, 2005
A Christian is Is not a Chritian does !
I just caught sight of Bill Oreilley's transcript on Religion under Seige. Once again, he is right on the subject but biased and wrong in his stance. Religion is under seige as he says. However not only is it under seige by the ACLU who is trying to take Religion from the lives and vocabulary of the entire country. The so called Religious Right are often times worse than the so called Atheist's they love to bash. Bill's defense of Christianity is off base and purposely misleading as is every defense he makes on any situation. I like many of you am Christian. just because you are Christian or any other Religion does not by any means make you good or bad by decree.
Bill's defense: 85% of Americans call themselves christian
Fact: Only a small number actually practice and are true to Christianity
Bill's question: Why's that?
Fact: It's popular and they think it will save them from their personal ills
Bill, How did it happen?
Fact: good P. R. nothing more, action's speak louder than words in Religion
Bill, What exactly is christianity?
Fact: most Christians don't know or have what it takes to fill the meaning
* We all see the Christians we are led by in the Republican party, how two faced, under handed, and in fact anti Christian they in fact really are. I for one have met so many actual anti christian proffessed Christians that think what they want is what Christianity is all about i'm turned off myself. They talk about Islamists hijacking their religion. They are no better.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Bill's defense: 85% of Americans call themselves christian
Fact: Only a small number actually practice and are true to Christianity
Bill's question: Why's that?
Fact: It's popular and they think it will save them from their personal ills
Bill, How did it happen?
Fact: good P. R. nothing more, action's speak louder than words in Religion
Bill, What exactly is christianity?
Fact: most Christians don't know or have what it takes to fill the meaning
* We all see the Christians we are led by in the Republican party, how two faced, under handed, and in fact anti Christian they in fact really are. I for one have met so many actual anti christian proffessed Christians that think what they want is what Christianity is all about i'm turned off myself. They talk about Islamists hijacking their religion. They are no better.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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