A Manifesto to the World!
The undeniable Horrible Plan for the Future!
(A to Z) Apocalyptic beginning to Zero Hour
I will explain shortly the Doctrine of Destruction George W. Bush is following. It is called the Doctrine of Destruction for a reason. First I just want to emphasize that the plan he is following has been on going for some 168 years. It is only his method that has changed.
Let’s start with the Bush family connections to Nazi Germany and the beginning of control over America . As you know, and will see at the end of this Document that control is essentially complete and you will see unequivocally why!
Before WW II Prescott Bush, GW's grandfather, was a partner in Brown Brother's Harriman which was part of the Harriman conglomerate. Averell Harriman was in turn, part of the Rockefeller-JP Morgan-Mellon group that founded Wall Street which financed Hitler through Standard Oil, General Electric, IBM, etc...
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co owned the Union Banking Corporation where Prescott Bush served as Director and Vice President until Herbert Hoover discovered it was not only doing business with Nazi Germany but holding 3 million dollars of Hitler's personal assets. The Union Banking Corporation was then seized by theUS government, under the Trading with the Enemy Act, during World War II in October 1942.
A great deal of the Bush-Harriman fortune was invested in companies that had direct business links with Nazi Germany such as: Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation, Hamburg-Amerika Lines, Holland-American Trading Company etc... The Trading with the Enemy Act put in jeopardy Prescott Bush's financial investments in these and other companies but instead of divesting from Nazi money, he hired a lawyer to hide his
assets. This lawyer was Allen Dulles.
After WW II, the German Nazis were prosecuted atNuremberg but their American counterparts went Scott free. In fact, the public at large never knew Wall Street and the whole Rockefeller gang had financed Hitler. This allowed their fascist dreams of world domination to simply shift from Germany to the US .
What we are now seeing is the rise of the Fourth Reich or, if you prefer, a continuation of the Third.
In 1947, this same group of people pushed for the establishment of the National Security Act signed into law by President Truman after WW II. Among other things, this law gave birth to the CIA and.... who became the head of this organization in 1953?!?! Well, none other than....Allen Dulles! Under his leadership, the CIA created MK-Ultra, a top secret mind control research project, operation Mockingbird, a program which influenced American media companies and Operation Paperclip which assimilated Nazi scientists into the American establishment without Truman or Eisenhower's consent or knowledge.
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co owned the Union Banking Corporation where Prescott Bush served as Director and Vice President until Herbert Hoover discovered it was not only doing business with Nazi Germany but holding 3 million dollars of Hitler's personal assets. The Union Banking Corporation was then seized by the
A great deal of the Bush-Harriman fortune was invested in companies that had direct business links with Nazi Germany such as: Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation, Hamburg-Amerika Lines, Holland-American Trading Company etc... The Trading with the Enemy Act put in jeopardy Prescott Bush's financial investments in these and other companies but instead of divesting from Nazi money, he hired a lawyer to hide his
assets. This lawyer was Allen Dulles.
After WW II, the German Nazis were prosecuted at
What we are now seeing is the rise of the Fourth Reich or, if you prefer, a continuation of the Third.
In 1947, this same group of people pushed for the establishment of the National Security Act signed into law by President Truman after WW II. Among other things, this law gave birth to the CIA and.... who became the head of this organization in 1953?!?! Well, none other than....Allen Dulles! Under his leadership, the CIA created MK-Ultra, a top secret mind control research project, operation Mockingbird, a program which influenced American media companies and Operation Paperclip which assimilated Nazi scientists into the American establishment without Truman or Eisenhower's consent or knowledge.
During the 1950's, the CIA under the Dulles-Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller leadership began spreading their influence around the world. Their first success story was the coup against Mossadeq and the establishment of the Sha of Iran.
As I said previously, during the 50's they kept a relatively low profile until their influence within the US became sufficiently strong to assassinate JFK in 1963 where Prescott Bush's son "Poppy" Bush, played a major role through his involvement in the CIA. And who was chosen to head the Warren Commission that was to investigate the death of
JFK...Well, Allen Dulles! :)
Since 1963 through the LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Bush Sr. presidencies they've been building and consolidating their power within the
GW is just the most recent representative of this sinister force working with the US government since WW II. This sinister force and control has been finalized under George W. and worsened by the Dire Doctrine he is following!
The true Bush Doctrine Uncovered!
What strikes us as the Presidents ignorance of society, its classes and the world is not that at all. All the realities of what he is doing to us and the world are going to hit you right in the face if it hasn’t yet. It will all make absolute and total sense. One word damn it right under our noses the whole time too. What is worse is that it is described all too starkly right in our dictionaries. Hold on here it is:
Many of you are familiar with Nihilism but not in the hands of the Decider!
NIHILISM. *2 Ethics-rejection of all distinctions in moral value, constituting a willingness to refute all previous moral theories. *3-The belief that destruction of existing Political or social institutions is necessary to ensure future improvement.
The word broken down is scary as hell and Bush is well on his way to the end,
*nihil-nothing, a thing of no value
*Annihilate-to destroy completely, wipe out, render void, abolish wipe out completely, render helpless, and overwhelm completely, Bush’s middle class policy.
*Nihilism 1. A Doctrine that nothing exists is knowable. Or can be communicated. 2. Ethics-rejection of all distinctions in moral value, constituting a willingness to refute all previous moral theories. 3. The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary to insure future improvement.
*Annihilation-Total nothingness, utter destruction, Planned or not this is well underway as far as the Middle Class is concerned.
*Nihility-Non existence, nothingness, this is the final step in the process and if we are going to turn this ship around we better do it before it is too late.
*Annihilate-to destroy completely, wipe out, render void, abolish wipe out completely, render helpless, and overwhelm completely, Bush’s middle class policy.
*Nihilism 1. A Doctrine that nothing exists is knowable. Or can be communicated. 2. Ethics-rejection of all distinctions in moral value, constituting a willingness to refute all previous moral theories. 3. The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary to insure future improvement.
*Annihilation-Total nothingness, utter destruction, Planned or not this is well underway as far as the Middle Class is concerned.
*Nihility-Non existence, nothingness, this is the final step in the process and if we are going to turn this ship around we better do it before it is too late.
Sound Familiar? Please Read On! It Gets worse as you are feeling, here and around the world!
If that doesn’t shake you nothing will? The other four versions of this word especially the two action versions which you all know, should scare the hell out of you when you think about what they mean to you and what Bush is doing. This is fact and it is doctrine, it is dictionaried, and it is indeed fact. We as the lower classes better move fast. The doctrine can be found in the dictionary but here it is!
It is used only when replacing existing societal, government, and world order.
You look at the facts as to what President Bush is doing both home, in the Middle East, and around the world. Think about all he has done and this should all be put into perspective you see the doctrine broken down. Of course, as you know it is all worthless because he will only smirk, laugh it off as biased innuendo, continue with his plan, and do exactly what he wants.
I know this as the Doctrine of Destruction! It was first used by mid 19th Century Russians in order to topple one form of order and replace it with their new order. President Bush as we can all attest to is well on his way.
First he has to finish breaking down existing societies and Government rule. As you all are experiencing his new policies every day you know that in fact he is well under way. He is almost complete in his bringing down of the legal lower classes and the Democratic Party. Hopefully this will wake up the country. We cannot allow him to emplace his idea of a society and a Government. As you know, he is doing the same thing In Iraq, the Middle East, and around the world.
Anyway more of that later! In case any one has been sleeping we are all aware how good his plan is for the illegal immigrant. He needs them to work and feed his idea for society. He needs them in order to fully implement his plan for our country. He continues the illusion of concern for the average American and illegal immigrants. As many of you know, he is concerned about the illegal immigrants not for them but for him. He knows he needs them to drive his new societal order.
His plan for society is horrible for the lower classes as you are all experiencing first hand. You see first hand how every single day he continues to tighten the noose around the lower classes and further the cause of the elite. He only needs the lower classes for their taxes.
It is used only when replacing existing societal, government, and world order.
You look at the facts as to what President Bush is doing both home, in the Middle East, and around the world. Think about all he has done and this should all be put into perspective you see the doctrine broken down. Of course, as you know it is all worthless because he will only smirk, laugh it off as biased innuendo, continue with his plan, and do exactly what he wants.
I know this as the Doctrine of Destruction! It was first used by mid 19th Century Russians in order to topple one form of order and replace it with their new order. President Bush as we can all attest to is well on his way.
First he has to finish breaking down existing societies and Government rule. As you all are experiencing his new policies every day you know that in fact he is well under way. He is almost complete in his bringing down of the legal lower classes and the Democratic Party. Hopefully this will wake up the country. We cannot allow him to emplace his idea of a society and a Government. As you know, he is doing the same thing In Iraq, the Middle East, and around the world.
Anyway more of that later! In case any one has been sleeping we are all aware how good his plan is for the illegal immigrant. He needs them to work and feed his idea for society. He needs them in order to fully implement his plan for our country. He continues the illusion of concern for the average American and illegal immigrants. As many of you know, he is concerned about the illegal immigrants not for them but for him. He knows he needs them to drive his new societal order.
His plan for society is horrible for the lower classes as you are all experiencing first hand. You see first hand how every single day he continues to tighten the noose around the lower classes and further the cause of the elite. He only needs the lower classes for their taxes.
They are needed to fund his illegal immigrants in order to complete his plan. The illegal immigrants are necessary in order for him to fully implement his plan, his Governmental system, and have it work according to his plan.
It all makes sense now that you hear the unbiased truth doesn’t it? He needs the taxes of the lower classes in order to fund his social security program for the elite. He needs the lower classes in order to fund all the negative results of taking care of the rich and you are just seeing the beginning of it.
It all makes sense now that you hear the unbiased truth doesn’t it? He needs the taxes of the lower classes in order to fund his social security program for the elite. He needs the lower classes in order to fund all the negative results of taking care of the rich and you are just seeing the beginning of it.
He is letting the elite corporations and companies off the hook for your promised retirement benefits. Once again you the lower classes are going to be left footing the bill with your taxes. The tax funded Federal systems can not take much more before they are overburdened to the point of failure.
This too is necessary for his planned society to be implemented. Planned obsolescence, you have to wonder what if anything he plans on replacing it. You are seeing that it will be left up to you and you are being warned as you know it is ultimately his idea to let corporations off the hook for your healthcare and would like to make you responsible for that to. You now know he has announced his new Healthcare initiative but he didn’t tell you it lets Businesses off the hook and he wants to make employers contributions to you, taxable income. That’s good for you isn’t it.
This too is necessary for his planned society to be implemented. Planned obsolescence, you have to wonder what if anything he plans on replacing it. You are seeing that it will be left up to you and you are being warned as you know it is ultimately his idea to let corporations off the hook for your healthcare and would like to make you responsible for that to. You now know he has announced his new Healthcare initiative but he didn’t tell you it lets Businesses off the hook and he wants to make employers contributions to you, taxable income. That’s good for you isn’t it.
The wealthy and the Christian Right Republicans as you are seeing will be the only benefactors of his entire plan for society.
Of course when this is mentioned to him he will deny everything, laugh it off, say it is merely speculation, and continue with his plan. It is indeed sadly enough for us in the trenches of society, undeniable fact. He falsely again makes you think the rich are going to be paying their share of his proposals. It is again an illusion.
Of course when this is mentioned to him he will deny everything, laugh it off, say it is merely speculation, and continue with his plan. It is indeed sadly enough for us in the trenches of society, undeniable fact. He falsely again makes you think the rich are going to be paying their share of his proposals. It is again an illusion.
You are in fact being hood winked and BUSHWACKED. He is in fact giving the wealthy back hundreds of billions of their so called contribution and still insists on making this permanent while he continues to cut Medicaid and Federal public education funds which he calls unfunded liabilities to pay for this and he corruptive ineptitude.. He very wisely chooses to let you forget about this little fact. His sliding benefits proposal for his elitist social security program is going to slide all the way through the middle classes. All the while he is touting the wealthy’s contribution to his plans he is giving them back much of their so called contribution.
*Unbelievably what the President is doing to our country and what is happening in every situation around the world today can be summed up in one word, Nihilism. This is unbelievable. You have to look this up in my life long Bible, the dictionary if you have any question. Personally I have never heard this word in the first three forms of it. However the fourth is scarily familiar to the whole world. It is exactly where we are headed if we do not smarten up real quick. Please check the link and read on.
*Unbelievably what the President is doing to our country and what is happening in every situation around the world today can be summed up in one word, Nihilism. This is unbelievable. You have to look this up in my life long Bible, the dictionary if you have any question. Personally I have never heard this word in the first three forms of it. However the fourth is scarily familiar to the whole world. It is exactly where we are headed if we do not smarten up real quick. Please check the link and read on.
In A Nutshell!
Bush allowed Katrina to run its course on purpose. He as you know is forming a new societal order as we all experience. He attacked Iraq to establish his new Middle East order. His facade of Diplomacy and purposely rising tensions around the world are so he can pursue his new world order!
From 9/11 he has been following a plan. Fighting terrorism was not it. It was just the reason he needed to attack Iraq and start to implement his new Middle East and world order. Please read the following and you will understand everything.
As you may remember, Bush was looking for something to happen that would put the country and the world behind what he already had plans to do. 9/11 gave him that something. He has been lying and misleading right from the beginning.
He had plans right from the beginning to establish a new societal, middle east, and world order. That is why it was important to him to whip up a media and public fury which of course, he has done.
He used the excuse of 9/11 to attackIraq and unsettle the Middle East guaranteeing the loss of Afghanistan , Iraq , and the entire Middle East . If fighting terrorism was his goal he would have stayed in Afghanistan . He lied to our troops and us from the beginning.
As you may remember, Bush was looking for something to happen that would put the country and the world behind what he already had plans to do. 9/11 gave him that something. He has been lying and misleading right from the beginning.
He had plans right from the beginning to establish a new societal, middle east, and world order. That is why it was important to him to whip up a media and public fury which of course, he has done.
He used the excuse of 9/11 to attack
He did this so he could further his idea of a new Middle East and world order. Of course lying all the while and whipping up as much support and frenzy as he could in the media and minds he controls until he can fully implement his plans..
At this point it behooves him to continue to ignore reality and continue to whip up frenzy so he can continue staying the course in order to further prosecute his newMiddle East and world order.
We are all shamelessly being used so Bush can follow his plan for new order with his perverted religiosity. I wrote this 3 years ago but it is more obvious today. Let me know what you think? I won't get any deeper but it gets worse from here.
At this point it behooves him to continue to ignore reality and continue to whip up frenzy so he can continue staying the course in order to further prosecute his new
We are all shamelessly being used so Bush can follow his plan for new order with his perverted religiosity. I wrote this 3 years ago but it is more obvious today. Let me know what you think? I won't get any deeper but it gets worse from here.

George Bush Jr. A Skull & Bones Anti-Catholic Freemason Surrounded by Apron Wearing Freemasons in
When asked on Meet the Press about 'Skull and Bones', listen to how President Bush answers: watch his demeanor: by clicking here

President Bush was in

Bush was looking for something to happen in order to gather support for his supposed war against terror, 9/11 gave him that. In actuality terrorism is just his excuse to prosecute his war for new world order and it is now well under way!
This club proves that Bush has perverted Religion as he accuses Islamists of doing in his endeavor for new world order. Coupled with the Russian Doctrine of Destruction he is following in order to achieve this new world order it makes the situation particularly tenuous. With the Islamists on one side having perverted Islam and Bush on the other having perverted Christianity we have perverted unbridled Religiosity on both sides of this war issue with all freedom loving citizens caught in the middle.
Note: the impromptu interview by the Editor of TCW with US Sen. Norm Coleman on June 27th, 2006 A.D. ,
which includes his unexpected admission regarding the 9/11 "attack" is at the end of this report. -TCW
which includes his unexpected admission regarding the 9/11 "attack" is at the end of this report. -TCW

President Bush (a Protestant heretic) and US Senator Norm Coleman (a Jew) are Masonic Brethren
Bush is a *Skull and Bones Mason and Coleman is a member of the Ancient Landmark Lodge No. 5 A.F.& A.M.,
*What is Skull and Bones Freemasonry? The following overview is compiled from various sources: More than a century ago, Skull and Bones was a secret society in Germany , where it was also known, not always in jest, as the "Brotherhood of Death." The American chapter of the Society was founded at Yale University in 1833, and its members are known as Bonesmen. Today, Bonesmennumber less than 1,000, which is quite fantastic when one, considers how effectively they manipulate and influence world affairs. Bonesmen believe that the United States should be the first among the "equals" in the New World Order. To achieve this, the Order believes in "constructive chaos." And what is constructive chaos? It is simply keeping true intentions secret by constantly sending out mixed signals on all critical policy issues, and keeping sacrosanct their self-created vision of New World warriors. You know for a fact that Bush is doing this!
Bonesmen have an affinity for the Heglian theory. This is a precept in which the State is absolute and individuals are granted their freedom based on their obedience to the State, i.e. the New World Order.
So, Skull and Bones is not just a bunch of "Yalies" getting their kicks with unique handshakes and secret code words. Bones is a unique group of young men from affluent, well-established, Northeastern families; literally a chosen elite of intellectually superior Yale students, who are educated and prepared for positions of influence and power, particularly in politics and government.

"The Tomb"
Masonic (
Inside their tomb, Bonesman refer to outsiders as "barbarians."
The Enemies of Order Strategy: "Managed Conflict"
And how does this Freemasonic sect push forward their pre-planned New World Order agenda ... how does it work? By using "managed conflict" or "crisis management" a crisis or problem isproduced. Then, the crisis is "managed" and the problem is "solved" with an outcome that is invariably favorable to their goals. You know from experience that Bush routinely does this.
A Terror-ible Crisis/Problem
| ![]()
Then "Heroically" Managed/Solved
The Mason's creed is: *Ordo Ab Chao: "Order out Of Chaos". Their age-old occult goal is to disrupt- overthrow normal Catholic ordered society and replace it with their licentious, materialistic, andgodless New World Order.

The Freemasonic Skull and Bones Symbol: The 322 concerns the sects pagan worship of a Greek goddess.
"It's (Skull and Bones) so secret we *can't talk about it,"-Words of US President George W. Bush on Meet the Press
The following brief video clip from the NBC program," Meet the Press", where host Tim Russert asked President Bush about his membership in Skull and Bones was posted above, yet this clip has a bit more footage of Bush, who alludes to his vision for the world (but does *not provide any details). (click to view) You’re learning with Horror Bush’s vision for the world!
Think of what President Bush a (Skull and Bones Freemason) kept saying in the wake of the "Attack": "They (the Arabs 3,000 miles away) are trying to take away our freedom ... They are trying to take away our freedom!" (I.e. our normal freedom of movement (without having surveillance cameras on us), to travel aboard a plane (without being publicly frisked in the terminal), to talk on our cell phones about politics etc., (without being electronically eavesdropped on by Verizon- in conjunction with the Department of Homeland "Security"). Since Freemasonry is the opposite of order ... the opposite of good, hasn't Bush's post 9/11 Patriot Act-ions shown themselves to be just the opposite of protecting our "freedom" (privacy)? Is it far fetched to think that all Americans will one day be required to have a little mandatory trackable chip (mark) to once and for all secure "our" "freedom"?? With Generals in charge of our top3 spy agencies, soldiers on our Borders Passports for you to leave or enter the country, Bush’s ability to break into you house unannounced, open or steal mail. You are his prisoners!
![]() The Freemasonic Bush “give me your freedom |
Anyway I found that very compelling especially since I came to my conclusion from what I thought was just common sense!
Then someone was reading my belief as to what Bush and his handlers Cheney and Rove’s (the real axis of Evil) were purposely doing when they diverted from the so called war on terror inAfghanistan :
9/11 was allowed to happen! 9/11 was George W’s Pearl Harbor . Trouble is Bush is no FDR. His intentions were and are not Honorable as FDR’s were. Bush had subjugated the Real Patriot movement; He silenced or jailed all that had knowledge of what he was doing and would voice opposition. 9/11 was the turning point for his dire plan! The fear mongering begins!
From 9/11 he has been following a plan. Fighting terrorism was not it. It was just the reason he needed to attack Iraq and start to implement his new Middle East and world order. Please read the following and you will understand everything.
As you may remember, Bush was looking for something to happen that would put the country and the world behind what he already had plans to do. 9/11 gave him that something. He has been lying and misleading right from the beginning.
He had plans right from the beginning to establish a new societal, middle east, and world order. That is why it was important to him to whip up a media and public fury which of course, he has done.
He used the excuse of 9/11 to attack
He did this so he could further his idea of a new Middle East and world order. Of course lying all the while and whipping up as much support and frenzy as he could in the media and minds he controls until he can fully implement his plans..
At this point it behooves him to continue to ignore reality and continue to whip up frenzy so he can continue staying the course in order to further prosecute his newMiddle East and world order. It will fail miserably and end in total Disorder!
At this point it behooves him to continue to ignore reality and continue to whip up frenzy so he can continue staying the course in order to further prosecute his new
Speaking of whipping up frenzy we are now being told North Korea and Iran are sharing nuclear secrets and North Korea is supposed to be helping Iran attain nuclear weapons. With Bush fear mongering I tend to think that as I have said many times that Bush's idea of Diplomacy is just a facade to say he tried Diplomacy before he was forced to prosecute his new Middle East and world order.
Knowing that Bush practices the Politics of deceitful underhanded abrasive confrontation I just don't trust anything I hear. "Believe but verify" I just don't know! You know that Bush by his own admission was from the beginning, out to establish a new middle east and world order. A continuation of assertions that a nuclear
It has been my assertion all along that Bush's abrasive so called Diplomacy with N Korea was intended to fail so he could prosecute his new world order. In the same token you know it serves Bush to continue the drumbeat of nuclear patty cake with
As Bush did whatever he could to justify attacking
Bush needs more time as he insists on staying the course in the middle of sectarian violence he started and will not be quelled period and it will spread throughout the entire
As you know and we have discussed We have 2 carrier groups in the Gulf, one in place and one on the way, 2 battle groups, a Fleet Admiral in charge that knows how to command them, An ongoing troop surge in Iraq where the troops will be on hand if needed, Iran's embassy attacked and 6 so called Politicians captured with threats to go as far as we have to, and to me the final undeniable evidence that this is preparing to widen!
There are now 2 Patriot Missile Batteries en route to a location in the Middle East that is unknown to me. Does anyone know where? That would be a big help!
I do know these Patriot Missiles will be stationed somewhere in the Gulf and you have to believe that with Israel practicing a strategic low level, nuclear attack on Iran's nuclear capabilities with nuclear Bunker Busting Bombs that I do think will fail, as soon as Bush is in place to come to the rescue Israel will be given the go ahead and this will really get going. Just watch!
Under the scenario of having to come to
And remember this! None of the so called experts have mentioned this in light of
When all is said and done Russia, China, the 135 non aligned Nations, North Korea, and everyone else Bush has alienated will come out against us.
With that as an obvious scenario it blows me away to hear that Bush co thinks sanctions against
Nothing could be further from the truth. Those soldiers will be permanent as this takes a turn Bush refuses to see. Like I continue to say, the thing that kills me is that Bush stupidly thinks his sanctions are working and he ignores the meaning ofChina 's satellite shoot down as they and Russia will in the end protect their interest and come out against us.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Those soldiers will be permanent as this takes a turn Bush refuses to see. Like I continue to say, the thing that kills me is that Bush stupidly thinks his sanctions are working and he ignores the meaning of
Having read that story now look at the next step and batch of lies for his new Middle East order!
Rockefeller says he should be ready to act against Bush this summer, too late, Bush plans on attacking Iran in April! Breaking News!
Senator Rockefeller is only the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he isn't the Decider. He is concerned Bush will attackIran despite what everyone thinks and despite not knowingIran 's actual intentions.
You know damn well he will! Rockefeller says attackingIran would make little sense as our troops are already stretched to the limit. That's our fearful leader, a man with little sense. Remember what Dummy said, you go to war with the army you have not the army you want even if you start it.
I have a son due back in the middle east in April and a son due to leaveAfghanistan in April the magic month. What is coming for our soldiers next?
Rockefeller is stymied and speechless as to Bush ignoring all the Nations experts and doesn't understand what he is doing and why! I am stymied and speechless knowing what Bush is doing and don't understand what none of those fools realize what Bush is doing and why!
Don't doubt it for a moment, he is prepared for April and the layout is below the fold!
In closing Rockefeller said intelligence is vastly improved since Bush attackedIraq . I just want to remind some who need it. It is not the intelligence! All the intelligence in the world good or bad is worthless if it is ignored as Bush will do with our increased intelligence abilities. It gets much worse around the world!
Senator Rockefeller is only the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he isn't the Decider. He is concerned Bush will attack
You know damn well he will! Rockefeller says attacking
I have a son due back in the middle east in April and a son due to leave
Rockefeller is stymied and speechless as to Bush ignoring all the Nations experts and doesn't understand what he is doing and why! I am stymied and speechless knowing what Bush is doing and don't understand what none of those fools realize what Bush is doing and why!
Don't doubt it for a moment, he is prepared for April and the layout is below the fold!
In closing Rockefeller said intelligence is vastly improved since Bush attacked
The American build-up along the
The beefing up of
News of advanced war preparations along the
I understand that by the end of March 3000 military personnel are due to arrive at U.S. base. I was surprised to find out that we even had one there. I didn't know we had a military agreement with Bulgaria that gave us access to two bases and a shooting range.
Romania is being transformed into an American military bastion and It is also vital to the Iran scenario. Last week, the Bucharest daily also revealed the USAF is to site several flights of F-l5, F-l6 and Al0 aircraft at a former Romanian Air Base where Romania 's chief of staff, confirmed "up to 2000 American military personnel will be temporarily stationed in Romania ". Oh man!
InCentral Europe , the Czech Republic and Poland have also found themselves in the Pentagon's strategic focus. Last week the Czech national Security Council agreed to the siting of a US anti-missile radar defense system at Czech location. Poland has also agreed to having a US anti-missile missile base and interceptor aircraft stationed in the country. This is not good! I just have to ask, at this level of preparedness could this just be a show of force? It is being called a ring of Defense.
Russia , however, does not see the chain of new US bases on its doorstep as a "defensive ring they see it rightly so as "an open threat to Russia ". I would also assume it is. I know myself I have had many tell me to keep an aye out for a strategic relocation of fighters, fueling tankers, anti missile batteries etc as the key to an imminent attack on Iran .
Russia 's defense minister, spoke more circumspectly while emphasizing Moscow 's concern. He said: "Russia is not worried and I have to say that is pure Bull and we better know what the hell we are about to do and I know the chief idiot does not have a clue or care.
How are we supposed to interpret this? How is Russia really supposed to interpret this? How is the world supposed to interpret this? It looks to me like Bush is preparing to find the excuse to attack Iran and wants to do so before Senator Rockefeller can act this summer.
I don't like this unfolding scenario at all. Tensions are pointedly ratcheting up daily and I feel quite confident believing this is all part of the buildup to attack Iran and further Bush's desired newMiddle East and world order, everyone be damned. Then yesterday it got worse and I posed this valid question and would expect it so Bush can stay the course and implement his new world order for the Bonesmen! What do you think?
If Bush attacks Iran this year as thought could he declare martial law next year and suspend elections indefinitely?
There have been multiple warnings and threats to Bush all to no avail as he prosecutes his new middle east and world order. The latest is a Republican, Senator Arlen Specter."He challenged Bush saying that he is not the sole decider," Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania, said "The decider is a shared and joint responsibility," Specter said.
The question of whether to use its power over the government's purse strings to force an end to the war in Iraq, and under what conditions, is among the issues faced by the Democratic majority in Congress, and even some of the president's political allies as well.
No one challenges the notion that Congress can stop a war by withholding the money to pay for it. or so they said Knowing that the ever arrogant Cheney threatened Congress to go ahead and try it!
You have to wonder what this arrogant pair are going to do knowing there underhanded Politics? http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/01/30/
Knowing too that Bush preparing to make an end run around Congress. As I reported yesterday Common Dreams News Center reports American forces could be using their two USAF bases in Bulgaria and one at Romania's Black Sea coast to launch an attack on Iran in April," the Bulgarian news agency Novinite said:
The American build-up along the Black Sea, coupled with the recent positioning of two US aircraft carrier battle groups off the Straits of Hormuz, appears to indicate president Bush has run out of patience with Tehran's nuclear misrepresentation and non-compliance with the UN Security Council's resolution. President Ahmeninejad of Iran has further ratcheted up tension in the region by putting on show his newly purchased state of the art Russian TOR-Ml anti-missile defense system.
The beefing up of America's Italian bases and the acquisition of anti-missile defense bases in the Czech Republic and Poland, the Balkan developments seem to indicate a new phase in Bush's global war on terror. To that I just want to add you mean Bush's new world order!
News of advanced war preparations along the Black Sea is backed up by some chilling details. One is the setting up of new refueling places for US Stealth bombers, which would spearhead an attack on Iran. "The USAF's positioning of vital refueling facilities for its B-2 bombers in unusual places, including Bulgaria, falls within the perspective of such an attack.
I understand that by the end of March 3000 military personnel are due to arrive at at U.S. base. I was surprised to find out that we even had one there. I didn't know we had a military agreement with Bulgaria that gave us access to two bases and a shooting range.
Romania is being transformed into an American military bastion and It is also vital to the Iran scenario.Last week, the Bucharest daily also revealed the USAF is to site several flights of F-l5, F-l6 and Al0 aircraft at a former Romanian Air Base where Romania's chief of staff, confirmed "up to 2000 American military personnel will be temporarily stationed in Romania". Oh man!
In Central Europe, the Czech Republic and Poland have also found themselves in the Pentagon's strategic focus. Last week the Czech national security council agreed to the siting of a US anti-missile radar defense system at Czech location. Poland has also agreed to having a US anti-missile missile base and interceptor aircraft stationed in the country. This is not good! I just have to ask, at this level of preparedness could this just be a show of force? It is being called a ring of Defense.
Russia, however, does not see the chain of new US bases on its doorstep as a "defensive ring they see it rightly so as "an open threat to Russia". I would also assume it is. I know myself I have had many tell me to keep an aye out for a strategic relocation of fighters, fueling tankers, anti missile batteries etc as the key to an imminent attack on Iran.
Russia's defense minister,spoke more circumspectly while emphasizing Moscow's concern. He said: "Russia is not worried and I have to say that is pure Bull and we better know what the hell we are about to do and I know the chief idiot does not have a clue or care.
Russia on the face says Its strategic nuclear forces can assure its safety in any circumstance.They incorrectly say that Since neither Iran or Korea possess intercontinental missiles capable of threatening the USA, then why this new missile shield that supposedly is to protect the West? http://www.sundayherald.com/...
How are we supposed to interpret this? How is Russia really supposed to interpret this. How is the world supposed to interpret this? It looks to me like Bush is preparing to find the excuse to attack Iran and wants to do so before Senator Rockefeller can act this summer.
I don't like this unfolding scenario at all. Tensions are pointedly ratcheting up daily and I feel quite confident believing this is all part of the buildup to attack Iran and further Bush's desired new middle east and world order, everyone be damned. Russia, China, Iran, and the world will rebel and Bush is preparing to unleash a world altering tempest. What do you think about this?
Knowing Bush and Cheney are bound and determined to follow their new world order agenda, listening to noone, even taunting. I have to ask this! First, I understand Joe Biden is now running and on an Anti Iraq war platform and Barack Obama is going to initiate anti Iraq war Legislation, However If he does attack Iran this year, could he declare martial law and suspend elections indefinitely? He would keep his grubby power and sadly still be the Decider. what do you think about that?
Knowing there is a long Nazi relationship between certain American businesses, standard oil, General electric, IBM etc. And the Bush family. Also knowing that the Yale secret club “The Bonesmen” which George H. W. and George W. both are members of and that it was established in Germany in 1838 and from their beginning they sought a new world order by creating disorder in order to come to the rescue and implement their idea of a new order out of the chaos.
First, it should be no surprise that George W. is often likened to a Nazi. Second, Knowing the Bonesmen relationship there should be no surprise whatsoever that we are in fact witnessing a culmination of 168 years of clandestine efforts at achieving a new world order. The Bonesmen was founded in 1838 and with the advent of one of their members as the President of the United States they finally have the forum they needed in order to achieve their goal of new world order and are not going to relent that power willingly any more than Bush will let his go willingly. We have our work cut out for us!
With the Bush initiated new world order resulting in Middle East and world breakdown. We are seemingly headed towards WW3 (if not already started) and the real threat of nuclear war, Think about the facts as you all experience them! Look at the whole picture and remember this is happening at a time when the planet can no longer survive it and be viable!
Following is a timeline of mans and the planets life cycles, where we are in them, and the Dire repercussions of not doing the right thing for humanity and the planet .
We should be using our militaries for the sole purpose of helping and ensuring honesty among the Nations of the world. There can be no action taken without the knowledge and complicity of all Nations that have the future of man and the planet as their goal. This is what we should have done with Iraq. This is what we should be doing with Iran, North Korea, and many other potential hot spots around the world today. We as the United States, must stop meddling and interfering with the Politics of other Nations around the world. We should be using our militaries not to wage war but to wage peace. Our military efforts after the tsunami were a shining example of the way our militaries should be used in the future. The world as a whole must be made to realize the fragility of our situation.
We can make this work despite the tenuous situation we have put ourselves in. With that said we must proceed and work as a world unit. It will not work as separate competitive entities as we have done in the past. We must Proceed into the future as one. We must proceed into the future with the future life of man and the planet as our only goal. Nothing less than the survival of man and the planet are at stake. Shortly the planets life sustaining ecosystems will no longer have the ability to sustain the current population of man.
We can not afford to destroy them altogether. That complete destruction and no less is what we have facing us right now. It would do man, the world well to wake up to that fact and act accordingly. This is exactly what will happen if there is another unnecessary world war. Countries must be made to realize that what they have today is all they are going to get. We can trade throughout the world for the items necessary for ones civilization and survival. However, the domination of the past must be history or we will be. We must take care of what we have. It is all we are going to get. The world must be made to realize that we march into the future with what boundaries and countries we have or suffer the dire consequences.
Our prime concern, our only concern at this point in mans and the planets life cycle has to be one of self reservation. The world must wake up to the fact that preservation of man and the planet has to be our only goal and ultimate victory. Shortly we will illustrate the life cycles in any life form and you will understand where man and the planet are in them today. We went into this in great detail in our first two books. It is very obvious and very plain, it bears repeating as we seem to be learning nothing.
We should be using our militaries for the sole purpose of helping and ensuring honesty among the Nations of the world. There can be no action taken without the knowledge and complicity of all Nations that have the future of man and the planet as their goal. This is what we should have done with Iraq. This is what we should be doing with Iran, North Korea, and many other potential hot spots around the world today. We as the United States, must stop meddling and interfering with the Politics of other Nations around the world. We should be using our militaries not to wage war but to wage peace. Our military efforts after the tsunami were a shining example of the way our militaries should be used in the future. The world as a whole must be made to realize the fragility of our situation.
We can make this work despite the tenuous situation we have put ourselves in. With that said we must proceed and work as a world unit. It will not work as separate competitive entities as we have done in the past. We must Proceed into the future as one. We must proceed into the future with the future life of man and the planet as our only goal. Nothing less than the survival of man and the planet are at stake. Shortly the planets life sustaining ecosystems will no longer have the ability to sustain the current population of man.
We can not afford to destroy them altogether. That complete destruction and no less is what we have facing us right now. It would do man, the world well to wake up to that fact and act accordingly. This is exactly what will happen if there is another unnecessary world war. Countries must be made to realize that what they have today is all they are going to get. We can trade throughout the world for the items necessary for ones civilization and survival. However, the domination of the past must be history or we will be. We must take care of what we have. It is all we are going to get. The world must be made to realize that we march into the future with what boundaries and countries we have or suffer the dire consequences.
Our prime concern, our only concern at this point in mans and the planets life cycle has to be one of self reservation. The world must wake up to the fact that preservation of man and the planet has to be our only goal and ultimate victory. Shortly we will illustrate the life cycles in any life form and you will understand where man and the planet are in them today. We went into this in great detail in our first two books. It is very obvious and very plain, it bears repeating as we seem to be learning nothing.
As we said in the past, life moves only in one direction, forward. We must not go back or attempt to go back to a cycle of life that man and the planet have already grown through and survived. We will not the next time. We have lived through the development stage of man and this planet. It is long overdue for us to get it together as a species and realize this and then face this important fact. We are now in the preservation stage of any life form. We have reached and passed the maturity stage of any life form as a species and as a planet. World wars, world dominance, world destruction, the times for that are passed. It is up to us as a world body to realize this and act accordingly.
Man’s and the Planets Life’s Cycle’s
Man’s and the Planets Life’s Cycle’s
Where we are in them and the dire Concequence of Continuing to go Against Them!
The aforementioned observances are the realization that this is not a utopian idea. It is absolutely necessary for mans survival. We must get the message to all countries of the world. Whosoever chooses to ignore the future of man and the planet must be held accountable for their action. We must get Nobel Laureate’s to publish papers on this subject. It is necessary to have someone reputable and believable write on the subject. They must sound the sense cal alarm. It must be published throughout the Nations of the world and filtered down through all levels of society. Below are the various stages of mans life cycles and where we are in them.
* The Infantile Stage – This is mans longest stage to date. With some luck we can surpass this in our maturity stage, our nurturing stage. Man was very much in his developmental stage. From mans beginning caveman day’s right up through The Dark Ages. Man was very much a live and learn being. You can not accuse man of that today. Man has lost this ability since what we will refer to as The Learning Stage. The 20th century seems to have killed this ability with its perceived lack of need. He now thinks he knows better and he knows everything. We know the thought as most of us have children. He wrongly thinks he has all the answers. We would do well to remember this phase of life.
* The Learning Stage – This period marks the end of The Dark Ages. The end of the Dark Ages coincidently enough is marked by another perfectly cyclical event known as the Christian Crusades. This was in a point of time appropriate for the horror. The horrific thing is that Islam is going through this cycle right now. Their version of the Christian Crusaders is the Islamist Jihadists. This is occurring at a point in time when mans and the planets life cycles are beyond accepting or tolerating this behavior. At the point of time of the horrors that the Christian Crusaders committed they were accepted and tolerated.
The aforementioned observances are the realization that this is not a utopian idea. It is absolutely necessary for mans survival. We must get the message to all countries of the world. Whosoever chooses to ignore the future of man and the planet must be held accountable for their action. We must get Nobel Laureate’s to publish papers on this subject. It is necessary to have someone reputable and believable write on the subject. They must sound the sense cal alarm. It must be published throughout the Nations of the world and filtered down through all levels of society. Below are the various stages of mans life cycles and where we are in them.
* The Infantile Stage – This is mans longest stage to date. With some luck we can surpass this in our maturity stage, our nurturing stage. Man was very much in his developmental stage. From mans beginning caveman day’s right up through The Dark Ages. Man was very much a live and learn being. You can not accuse man of that today. Man has lost this ability since what we will refer to as The Learning Stage. The 20th century seems to have killed this ability with its perceived lack of need. He now thinks he knows better and he knows everything. We know the thought as most of us have children. He wrongly thinks he has all the answers. We would do well to remember this phase of life.
* The Learning Stage – This period marks the end of The Dark Ages. The end of the Dark Ages coincidently enough is marked by another perfectly cyclical event known as the Christian Crusades. This was in a point of time appropriate for the horror. The horrific thing is that Islam is going through this cycle right now. Their version of the Christian Crusaders is the Islamist Jihadists. This is occurring at a point in time when mans and the planets life cycles are beyond accepting or tolerating this behavior. At the point of time of the horrors that the Christian Crusaders committed they were accepted and tolerated.
This period covers the end of the Dark Ages up to the 20th century. This period covers the birth of mans great Religions. It covers the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. With the exception of the maturing of the Muslim Religion it marks the maturing of these Religions. It marks their role in the world order. This is again with the exception of the Muslim Religion. It is that time of Religious maturity which there is no place for in the world today. We, the world, humanity, have already gone through that. As a result we do not find what is happening with the Islamist Jihad particularly palatable. This period also opened the way for colonization. It marked the point in mans life cycle when the forceful taking of another country was the accepted norm. This was the time in mans and the planets life for needless pointless death and destruction. It was survivable by both man and the planet. This time is over and can no longer be accepted or tolerated.
*The Maturing Stage – This period includes WW1, WW2, and the recognition of man made hazards to mans and the planets life. This was the period in mans and the planets life cycles when world war was survivable by man and the planet. Our weapons are now too horrific for man or the planet to survive. Life only moves in one direction and for a reason. We can not allow any Nation to try and slide backwards and return to those ways. The time for that in the life cycle of the planet is over. We are becoming aware as to the frailty of the planets life sustaining ecosystems. We are not paying attention so!
*The Maturing Stage – This period includes WW1, WW2, and the recognition of man made hazards to mans and the planets life. This was the period in mans and the planets life cycles when world war was survivable by man and the planet. Our weapons are now too horrific for man or the planet to survive. Life only moves in one direction and for a reason. We can not allow any Nation to try and slide backwards and return to those ways. The time for that in the life cycle of the planet is over. We are becoming aware as to the frailty of the planets life sustaining ecosystems. We are not paying attention so!
Life's cycle, the final stages!
*The nurturing stage is where man should be in its and the planets Life Cycle! However as the current unfolding Middle East and world situation is proving, man is attempting to turn the clock back and nature works only in one direction, forward. We are acting like we are in the infantile stage and it will not work!
* The Nurturing Stage – This is mans mature stage. His final stage. This is mans preservation period. The time is now. This period marks mans awakening as to the realization of mans negative impact on the life sustaining life cycle of the planet as a whole. This period marks the awakening of man as to the as to the necessity of revitalizing Natures life sustaining ecosystems. This period marks the necessity for an end to all out war. We must come to the realization that as a world we must destroy all advanced weaponry and their systems throughout the world. This is an absolute necessity for the survival of man and the planet. We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.
** Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.
Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.
* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our demise! If we are to have a future we must smarten up! The full short story at the link!
** Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.
Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.
* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our demise! If we are to have a future we must smarten up! The full short story at the link!
It blows my mind that man can be this stupid but knowing all that we just discussed and the purposeful horrors that will undoubtedly unfold, I have to tell you, There is a plan for the future and you the average citizen are not in it! The public is not being protected! Why? I'll tell you!
Bush now has as many as 6,000 National Guard troops to tighten the U.S. border with Mexico, supposedly to increase security.
With Hayden as CIA director, military officers are in charge of the nation's three major spy agencies, and the Pentagon controls 80% of the intelligence budget.
This all adds up to a lot of concern for us. It makes me think of a few things. None of which Bush or anyone else has mentioned of course!
To me we are sounding like the Fortress America that while Bush was running for President he used the threat of Dems wanting this against them to frighten people. Only worse because he is going to have us controlled by the military. We have 6,000 troops on the southern Border and Generals in control of our 3 top spy agencies. Is this because they answer to the chief?
Is this to keep us in or to have total control? We just can't trust bush! He talked last night! Every time he talks he weakens the Nation!
With Hayden as CIA director, military officers are in charge of the nation's three major spy agencies, and the Pentagon controls 80% of the intelligence budget.
This all adds up to a lot of concern for us. It makes me think of a few things. None of which Bush or anyone else has mentioned of course!
To me we are sounding like the Fortress America that while Bush was running for President he used the threat of Dems wanting this against them to frighten people. Only worse because he is going to have us controlled by the military. We have 6,000 troops on the southern Border and Generals in control of our 3 top spy agencies. Is this because they answer to the chief?
Is this to keep us in or to have total control? We just can't trust bush! He talked last night! Every time he talks he weakens the Nation!
As you know our computers are monitored are phones can be tapped supposedly only from overseas but we know local calls are sometimes sent overseas then back here so they can be legally tapped. Our houses can be broken into if a so called “Threat” is presumed. Our mail can now be opened “or for all we know” stolen if a threat is percieved. Now we need a passport to get into our own country. A passport does not make us one iota safer from terrorism but it does finish giving complete control of us too Bush. He contropls is totally as was his goal from the beginning.
* Now it gets worse if you can believe it! We have been increasingly told that if disaster strikes in whatever form we are on our own as the Government can’t be expected to be there. Knowing that and knowing that we are headded to what appears to be all out war, think of this fact:
* When all hell breaks loose the Government is well taken care of and will survive, the military, families included will be well protected so that in the end whoever survives will have all that is needed to live, fight another day, and start over again. What no one remembers is this planet, supposedly God’s that they seem to wantonly be destroying, is in its Nurturing stage and man’s weapons are too deadly for it to survive and be life sustaining as we know it!
* After this battle for lack of a better term we will refer to as the battle of Armageddon, the world will be so tired of war, death and destruction they will learn it is best to live without empires and they will begin to organize themselves as independent sovereign nations who will live in harmony and peace with one another. Until?